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Image Comments posted by h_r_herle

  1. Hi Tony, Coming back after a long break from PN. It is interesting and refreshing to view not just the snaps but the underlying comments which are informative. 

    My vote goes for the vertical snap, more due to the interesting foreground elements (rocks and plants) and converging clouds, tree lines, river bed and all into almost at the same point. Found the composition very interesting.



  2. Hi Tony, Liked the color transitions.

    My opinions...

    Felt the snap to be little over saturated. The street lights in the snap titled "And now we cuddle" is too harsh. It is much less prominent here.



  3. Hi Tony

    This guy must have got designed on a CAD, with lot of symmetries.  Nicely captured and you have a good eye to see the photo opportunity.  Just wondering why f 1/10 was used, though I see that the DOF effect is pretty good.



  4. Hi Tony, Marked as one of my Favorites. Thrilled with the way the mountains and the clouds merge in the horizon. The foreground mix of rocks and grass is class with that perfect lighting. Who wants a snow capped mountain in this perfect tropical set up, so very well captured.

    Compared to this, if you feel you have 'lost some nice' images, just waiting to see those captured in ISO 2000. 




    Lone Evening Walk


    Thanks Otaky Han. I could have been around 200-300 m from the elephant. It was close to sun set with cloud cover and tall trees blocking direct sunlight.

    Hi Alf, Words from an expert like you is a "Certificate of Appreciation
     for me. The trees in background beling slightly blurred could be due to the combination of 300mm focal length @ f 1/5.6. Possiblly could have tried at a little more shutter speed and a higher f stop. Also, the tamron 300 mm lens I used does not give great sharpness at its max. I agree with you that it would have been great had the trees been in focus as well.




  5. Hi Sumon, This is a great composition. Like the way the flowers blur into no where and the "crystal" sharp water droplets. The magic has been magnified in the B&W presentation.



    Paddy Field


    Hi Arup, this is fantastic. Loved the inclined line separating the paddy fields from the valley and the background forest. The light is superb. Have rated this 6/7.






    PT Tso Lake


    Hi Arup, great green colors with those tiny yellow flowers.  Are the brown colored piles sand from the lake?

    Just thought whether the snap could be better if more reflection is covered, possible just enough to get green contour of the grass land. Rated 5/7.



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