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arash khoshghadam

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Image Comments posted by arash khoshghadam


    it is dramatic in terms of the visual elements such as the fog, but for this image to fit the purpose of the title, some sort of indication of association with playing such as a ball or stuff could at least give purpose to the status the children are in. simple yet effective but without your title I think the viewer would wonder why these children are running.


    well-seen and captured. I like the moment you have frozen. the hugeness of the snow piles on the left and right downscales the importance of the balancing point. all the elements such as the lines on the road lead to the man and this is one of the virtues of the shot you have taken. even without a title, your shot is self-spoken. there is absolutely no reason to keep the color. you could easily turn this black and white with no fear of losing anything important.


    the composition is so dynamic with the diagonal elements and so static with vertical elements. It is so interesting to see how these two attributes work together in correlation with the soft rounded profile of the person standing there on the stairs. the light is so fabulously captures and adds mood to the scene. the dwarfization of the focal point ( the person ) can be interpreted in many ways including the domination of crude city over the residence and the isolation of the man who is so remote from the nature. The perspective is really well captured. there are a lot to explore in your photo.

    Straw 2

    the shot lacks impact. first of all, it is not enough contrasty. the image has so many elements that are redundant such as trees and the excessive green negative space. you could get closer and pick a different angle from close quarter. the light is also so intense. you could pick the late hours in the afternoon when the light is less intense and brings more dramatic color tones to the shot.


    The whole idea behind this image is well-implemented. the cropping of the head and the feet has made this shot an original one but there is a minor glitch here to mention. I can see some sort of clipped highlight on her chest. since the lighting cast elsewhere on her body looks soft, this hotspot is a little distractive.


    Fantastic and expertly done. the light is really captivating and the blue background suits the purpose fine. bravo.
  1. The shot is in itself rich is a broad range of tones which are pleasant to the eyes. the sort of spotlight on the waiter is well observed and captured. but there are some glitches in composition and the angle of view to name a few. first of all, is the components packed in the frame. what are they? passer-byes and a waiter's back to the camera. what is the relation between these components to help the viewer put them together to arrive at your chosen title? nothing. the passer-byes are nowhere in this equation. this is a street shot. the elements within the frame must have some correlation. you may argue that on the street there are a lot of components that can't be neatly brought in to an impeccable close relation with each other. you are true to some degrees, but not in such a close encounter and tight frame. I would instead shoot at an angle to capture something related to this waiter like pavement side tables and certainly looking out on the restaurant or cafe to create an atmosphere to live up to my title.
  2. aesthetically, I think you have gone for B&W right. the result when the distractions in form of color are taken away is much better, but I don't see any underlying message in this shot. It is sort of blank. It can be the black and white portrait of a boy anywhere. The title is saying something about Arabs. I think there must be a story somewhere behind this shot, something indicative and interpretable. This shot is just too plain.


    The intense focus on the center is really fantastic having isolated the point of interest nicely but the petals contain some distracting highlights. I am not sure what metering mode you have used but spot metering to find the balancing point between the mid tones and the highlights comes in handy. Nice B&W as color could not possibly contain useful information and could distract the viewer to fully embrace the emphasis on the form and lines.


    The pose is sweet, but the light is flatter than it should be rendering a little flat look to the subject. The skin tone is also a little reddish with some red highlights.
  3. this is a really nice moment you have captured. The eye contact which has made this shot a keeper is really there and it holds the viewer's eyes, but the background is a little more intrusive than it should be. in order to augment the focus on the main subject I suggest cropping the background a mite to put more emphasis on the subject. There is no reason to regret,Steve. you can still pull off without using super telephoto lenses to get that blurred background which is hard to achieve regarding the fact that your focal length for this shot is a little wider than what should be for a shallower DoF. You can still do it digitally using a Gaussian blur mask to simulate that shallowness.




    I like this image for the sort of layering you have captured; a sort of atmospheric perspective as painters call it. I wish you had captured a panorama of the scape. the 3:2 aspect ratio here and the vertical frame has put a lot of pressure on the scene. Another suggestion is to turn this totally black and white as I see absolutely no reason why to keep the blue sky as the rest of the image is nearly black and white itself.


    White Park

    this is a sense of isolation and thirst of expectation and waiting. a reflector filling the shadows would ruin the sense. the black space on the right contradicts the highlight on the left; a sort of balance. Excellent use of window light. the partial illumination of the face augments the underlying message of the image.
  4. nice shot. you have picked a nice subject matter and your implementation is flawless. I think this shot is a panorama incorporating worthy visual elements to match your title.
  5. I like the symmetry of this shot for its compositional accuracy having captured the house in the bottom 1/3 and emphasis on the sky. the problem in my opinion is in the post-processing. your pushing the envelope has produced unpleasant halos around the clouds and around the trees. I think you must have used the shadow/highlight function in PS. if that is true, I think you have picked large pixel radius. if you post the original shot, I can tell you what went wrong.
  6. everything is in place. the composition is really dynamic with you having captured the motion graphically. I am sure it was a demanding job focusing on such flying subject but you have pulled of well and still leaving the front of the pack empty.

    Old Church

    The shot is a keeper. I like the tonal range although the brightness is on the dark side a little. the clouds have produces a dynamic scene and the diagonal lines in the gate and the wall have augmented dynamism. The entire mood is well captured; something awakening the sense of isolation and loneliness. that is what has made this shot worthy of keeping. bravo.
  7. this is surely one of the instances that centering the horizon works well. you have managed to capture the ripples in the foreground and the impressive sky. you have picked the best time of the day for shooting when the exposure is even throughout the scene making it easy to meter and control the light. the only problem in your image is oversaturation of some colors which has made your image a little artificial.
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