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Image Comments posted by sking

    Edgar Reading



    Terrific photo!  If I picked up the newspaper displaying this photo, I would not be able to skip reading the caption.  The photo is strong, as well as intriguing.  A first-rate journalism shot.

    Technically, the photo is strong, striking just the right balance of tones and leaving the lighting looking natural and not "photoshopped" to death.  Even the spot behind the subject's left ear is fine with me, even if a little hot.  That just adds to the natural look of the photograph.

    Good job!


    Beauty in pink


    Bon soir, Jean-Michel,

    You photo is well lighted.  The frontal lighting on the model's face provides a side-lighting that brings out the textures in the model's chemise. The makeup on the model is good, and the posing looks natural.  Good job.

    If I were shooting this, I might make a couple of minor changes.  First, I would like to see just a little more separation between the model and the background — perhaps a weak spot behind the model focused on the background.  Second, I would bring down the tones on the model's upper left arm.  That part of the photo seems a little hot to me.  Finally, I might repose the model's right hand.  The hand is at a bit of an awkward angle, and the shadow obscures the necklace more than I would like.

    Please know, though, my changes would be very minor.  You have provided an excellent fashion shot.  It highlights the clothing and the model without the interference of other subjects.

    As I said before, very good job.







    This photo is awesome!  It uses light well and conveys a mysteriousness that is very effective.  In addition, you've made the picture represent "everyman" by having the subject's back to the camera.  I find no fault with your effort.  Simply superb.

    Steven King





    Awesome shot! William Albert Allard once wrote that many of his best pictures came at the edges of the scene. That's certainly the case here. Your photo captures all the action in the rider's expression, rather than in the bounce of the horse or flailing of the rider (though your portfolio demonstrates you know how to capture that too). The micro-moment in this photo says more than most rodeo "action" shots.


    Well done.


    Steven King





    Excellent photo. Good expression, good body motion and tension, and good focus. This sports photo is a cut above most. Congrats on a good capture.







    This is a very strong fashion image. The concept is good, as well as the execution. Your use of color is very good, and the composition of the photo is strong. There is no mistaking the subject of the shot — no distractions.


    I find nothing to fault.


    Good luck.


    Steven King

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