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Image Comments posted by wood

  1. I lived in Tucson for a while and know this area. It is very photogenic and you have done a nice job capturing the feeling and beauty of this area. However, I think the prominent saguaro in the forground might be better placed to one side or the other (Rule of Thirds). Although it's true that "rules are made to be broken", this image might be improved by adhering to this idea.


    Nicely exposed and posed image. I would have preferred to see the entire veil. Also, as she is gazing to the right, perhaps a little more space on the right would help give more emphasis to her mood. The bright sunlight does tend to blow out the highlights and you lose detail in her dress. Perhaps a shot in a shadier area with reflected light might help.
  2. Well seen. Unique subject. The shallow DOF is a slight drawback in this image, and a second but subdued light source from the left to give a little detail in the shadows might help as well. Interesting image nonetheless.


    Original and beautiful. The ring flash produced a fantastic pattern on the streams. A very slight drawback is the angle of the streams. My eye wants to see them a little more vertical. Still a very good abstract with lots of impact.


    The lighting and exposure are ok, but the DOF is is too short. The closest part of the dish is out of focus. Also, the image lacks impact. Perhaps using a darker background would make the colors pop out a little. Experiment with different angles of view and lighting to see if you can make the dish appear a little more three dimensional.

    Clouds in pond

    Very appealing image. Perhaps a little cropping off the top where the reflections are blown out might be an improvement. Good combination of textures.


    Excellent exposure, color saturation, and choice of subject. This door has a lot of character and makes me want to see what's inside. A minor distraction is the cut off step at the botton. Also, did you consider keeping the same offset around the top and bottom as you did on the sides? Might provide a better sense of framing of the door. Nice work.

    Sand Trees

    Thisis a really interesting image. You have a good eye. The sharpness could stand to be improved but this is still a fine shot.
  3. Tandy - It's actually right side up, shot from above at an angle. The creatures are attached to a near vertical side of a large rock. You can see the water line intermittently along the side of the rock. Thanks for the comment.
  4. Nice job on the exposure and composition. This image has good tonal range and a feeling of depth. I can't help wondering if a horizontal orientation would have been better. I strive to see more of the hill and water. Nice work nonetheless.


    Very nice shot. Shows an interesting subject with good tonal range and color. It might be a slight improvement to see the entire bushel of reeds to the right in the same frame. Great shot regardless.

    Moonlit Dreams

    Good eye. You have captured the mood of a cold night. Would it have been possible to include the top of the large tree in the image? Very nicely done.





    Welcome to photo.net. Good choice of subject and you've selected a shutter speed to make the water very appealing. But the sharpness of the image is lacking. Also, try to not center your main subject and experiment with placing it off to one side (research the Rule of Thirds but keep in mind that rules were made to be broken). Keep shoooting!

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