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phil morgan

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Image Comments posted by phil morgan

    Alabama Hills




    The crop was great, but I seem to be in the minority prefering this one. I like the way the road leads you into the mountains and sky. What a sky by the way! I have never seen one like that in the UK ever! To my eyes there is nothing to comment on here, great composition DOF and exposure control.



    Sgwd Yr Eira 2.


    Taken yesterday morning in the Beacons national park (Wales UK).

    Unfortunately there was a lot of spray present making it difficult

    to keep the lens clean enough for the long exposures.

    All critique welcome.



  1. Will


    Thanks for the comment, I really appreciate it. I knew this shot would not recieve great ratings on photo.net, you know the kind of shot that does as well as I do!! Even though I love the big sky/sunset/saturation overload shots as much as the next man, they are a piece of cake to get compared to hiking for a couple of hours to these locations for first light. The challenge of trying to get the correct exposure whilst knee deep in running water in a very dim and murky gorge is far greater than a beach at sunset. Thanks once again for your support,





  2. Please view Larger.


    Brecon Beacons national park, Wales Uk. Taken at 07.45 this morning.

    You have to be a local to south Wales to realise the effort it took

    to get to this most secluded of falls at this hour of the day!!


    All critique welcome.





    Thanks all for the comments.


    Jon, great new website. How do you market such a thing? Are you relying on word of mouth, or are you advertising somewhere?





    Red Sky At Night.


    Thanks for your comments all.


    Marc it made my day to have one of my photos commented on by someone who I consider to be among the best in the world at what you do. I had not noticed the green, but now find it annoying! Will reprocess this sometime.





  3. Thanks all for your comments.


    Fiona, no colour filters used, only Nd grads. Obviously I would be a liar if I said no photoshop! But it is limited to curves, levels, shadow/highlight and saturation adjustments. I.E Just optimising the raw file of the already awe inspiring scene. I also prefer this to the original, but obviously not everyone feels the same.






    Red Sky At Night.




    Thanks for the suggestion. This is something I often get slated for! I agree your version is slightly to light. I have uploaded another somewhere in between the 2, let me know what you think.





    Pastel sunset


    Kah Kit


    Congratulations on A fantastic fine art type shot, a real departure from your usual dramatic style. I think this image would sell by the bucket load if marketed to the correct (rich)! market place. Unbelievable exposure control here, did you use 5 stops of grad just across the sky? How do you consistently get such perfectly exposed foregounds? Do you meter off the foreground, lock the exposure then add the grads? Just wondering because I usually add grads, then matrix meter the whole scene, but I never get this type of result!


    Once again well done






    PS Pnet great rules don't allow me to rate this 7!!

  4. View LARGER Please.


    After two hours on a gray and very thundery beach, the sun broke

    through as it hit the horizon, and we were treated to a

    fantastically vivid and red light show for about ten minutes. Nature

    really can come up trumps sometimes if your willing to sit it out

    when it looks like absolutely nothing is going to happen!

    Lifes A Beach!


    Thanks for your comments both.

    Martijn, i promise you nothing unreal about this image, apart from shooting in raw, increasing the white balance, and the use of a strong grad. Also used a really small aperture (about f25 I think)





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