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claudio farkasch

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Posts posted by claudio farkasch

  1. Well some migth think it's a bit early for this question but I'm in

    desperate need of the opinion by this forum.


    so my question is which camera body would you choose and why

    the money is not the concern for me(not that i have it but what I want

    I get - just try harder and harder)

    I do al kind of stuff livemusic, fashion, arts, normal

    touristshooting, sports and so on. simply anything you can do with the

    camera I do it


    I'm also very familiar with the specs of both cameras but had not the

    time the get them in my hands.

    and because in austria the shops/nikon is a late with the first

    models(end of january) I thougth the forum could give me some hints I

    might not recognize from the specs and holding the camera because for

    a real head to head test there will be no bodys available in the near

    future(especially D200)

    I hope you can help me with this



  2. hi


    I expose a roll of APX400 at 800 and did a search on the net for the

    right development time but couldn't find some usefull data on this.

    so my Q is any one of you knows the correct time for ID11 or perceptol

    or microphen for this film.


    any by the way is there a rule of thumb to know the aproximate time if

    the film datasheets and masdevchart doesn't provide the time for

    push/pulling with your dev-Iso combination like the tempscale



  3. hey there

    I got 100ft ektachrome-bulkfilm for christmas and wanted to loead it

    today and then store it in the freezer in a air sealed bag. but as i

    wanted to load the film i wonder which side of the film is the correct

    one to expose. there is a black one/upsided) and and a

    darkyellow(downsided)- the film comes out of a filmloader


    maybe one of you can give me a hint on this



  4. i know of that stain -> i just leave it after washing in a mix of water and washingliquid that the water rinses of properly.

    i don't know if a wetting agent works this well for clearing the purplestain but the liquid does is(just leave the reel or the film in for some minutes- i usely then clean all the stuff and prepare for the next film/s

    i think this is good way cause you save the wettingagent and you get it everywhere never got any waterdrops on my films


    and i use a lot of acros for MF- real nice film mabe better then Ilford

    ok i don't start a Ilford vs Fuji discussion

  5. yes you can use it


    i bought a 220 back and use only 120film- just remember when the film is finished you can still advance the film-> this gave me once a hard time as the filmkind of screwed up in there but if you remeber to count or just stop at 15 or 16 and then shoot 2-3 pics it will be ok

    but realy getr yourself a 120back extra it's worth to have ar maybe 2 of those

    just think of doing b+w and color and diffrent isos at the "same" time


    the etrs is a great camera you'll live it


    and this depends on your style of shooting but a speedgrip and the AE finder(AE-II works very fine also with ETRS and os not so expensive)

    could be alao interesting for handhold

  6. Hmmm


    dream nikon? for me a combination between a F4s and a D2x-> fullframe digitalCCD/CMOS-preferable, analog knobs like F4 plus the normal digitalstyle as well - i know this will never happen.

    really i like those oldfashion wotkingstyle.


    so i got a nikon FT3 and F4s and F401s and a fuji S2(ok it's no real nikon but looks and feels like one). I love my F4s thats a camera mostly I use i for AF related stuff and the FT3 I use only for B+W.

    It's a good feeling to do everything manual keeps you awake in sense of photography.

    If I ever got so much spare money I would buy me F2 maybe the photomic, and one of those gold anniversaryeditons

    and there is this fisheyecamera from 1960 but it's hard to find




    It just feels good that I can trust my nikons I would never give thme away except for the 401s. as back up the FT3 works perfect.

    I got more problems with my S2 and the D70 I used then wih my analogstuff


    I think I'm acquiring NAS anyway

  7. Hi


    i tried an old agfa ortho 25 kust for fun but it was not in it's box

    so i don't know the developing time


    I did a search on photo.net and the massive dev chart at digitaltruth

    but found no data for this film


    does anyone know hoe to develope this film. any suggestion on

    developer mostly I use ID-11, but since it's hard to get at the

    moment(live in Austria) I could use D76 or Ilfosol-s or similar


    thanx for your help in advance

  8. hi


    My mother gave me some old Ilford PanF(noplus) and FP4 and HP5 and

    Tr-X400 from Kodak to develope and I could not find any

    developingtimes or is it the same as the plus I use either D-76 or

    Ilfosol-s or ID-11 as developer.


    maybe some of you has experience or can remember the old times



  9. Hello,


    i got an etr and bought a russian 30mm fisheyefor a very cheap price and

    heard that there is somewhere in the world a manufacturer for such

    kinds of adapters I need.


    can anybody help me with this or direct my to a dealer that sells such


    the only thing is that I'm in Austria so if it's in the US they should

    have mailorder.


    thanks in advance

  10. Hi


    1.I aquired a ETR and have a nikon 35mm system. Can I use a nikon

    flash with the bronica and how(not connecting - the angleproblem)?


    2.Is there any manufacturer that produces/producsed a fisheye or other



    3.What time can you handheld a Bronica with 75mm lens and 120 back and



    4.Is there any metering like the hassi has - you know this meter you

    can put on the rightside - is a AEprism worth to buy ( I'm doing a lot

    of sport, concertstuff)


    5.are there any lensadapters like M42


    6. is a speed/motorgrip worth to buy



    for all above questions I just want to say that I know how I wanna

    work but I just want to collect some user stories and opinions.

    Because I live in Austria and not so many people I know got a MF and

    then it's mostly no Bronica


    I'm very happy with my camera works fine good condition no problem

    and it was a bargain. I use a lightmeter from gossen-sixtomat(oldone)

    and the nikons I've for metering.


    thanks in advance for the answers. really I'm interested in the opinions.

  11. Hi


    I got a little question for you guys. I'm interested what happens if

    you put a film in the fridge put it out for use but didn't-> can you

    put it back in the frige? what does happen the same way to freezed

    films either 120 or 35mm.

    Of course is the film not opened and still sealed.

    do you have noticed any changes to the material.


    and is there a diffrence between colornegs/slides and B+W

  12. hi


    yesterday i got my first mf an etr with standard equipment and i got a

    little problem is it normal when you cock the shutter and take a pic

    that afterwards the mirror is upward and the shutter is closed - >

    cock the shutter again


    sorry seems for my self a very stupid question but i just can't find

    somthing informative in the manual about this and you might help me


    actually logical it seems to be right for me but if not tell me rhen i

    can bring it back to where i got it from


    thanks in advance

  13. I agree with the bad pricing of your F4 but as others already said search on the market in ebay and you'll get a slightly used f4s for 400?(around 330U$)

    I got one with a MF23 in perfect condition 2 years ago for 500?(420u$)

    in germany.

    just don't care about where it comes from if it's from the EU you don't pay taxes so just the shipping not even the moneytransfer cost a lot due to the new banklaw in EU

    so just try it and search on ebay you'll get some good stuff




    this one is rather expensive but ok


    or this one - it's in Switzerland but for a good price




    or this




    hope you can read the text

  14. so I bought my first MFcamera a Bronica ETR


    maybe it's to late for this question. I was forced to buy it because

    of the price so I thought get it and try out and if it's not working

    resale it.

    What is the true diffrence between these models of bronica except the

    manufacturing date and and is the accessory interchangable?

  15. hi


    I'm getting myself a mamiya 645 super as a starting MFcamera but

    before I do so a wanted to know some facts about it you can't get from

    a manual. Especially that the flash is only syncable to 1/60sec is

    this true or can you sync it faster.


    I choose this camera because of an offer I have for a set with

    AE-Finder an lens and 120 filmback for 330U$ - I think it's cheap very



    so what do you think let me know

  16. thanks for all the answeres you gave me.


    the buget is quite clear to me for a startinggear I'm able more willing to spend about 400U$


    Advanteges and disadvantages are for every camera but what I need is a start

    I didn't start with my nikon f4s I started with a fullyautomatic Minolta Dynax 300si.


    I'm also considering to buy me a PentaconsixTL because of the price. Yesterday a pentacon was sold for 80U$ with lens ready to start.




    so what do you think

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