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Image Comments posted by stephen.schwartz

    Moose and Calf


    Cow and calf moose taken from our campsite on lake in northern B.C.

    They heard the camera shutter and ran off a second later.


    Please view in "larger"


    Sea eagle fishing.


    I am getting very tired of seeing people rate a photograph such as this one at 4/4.


    As for originality - this is an eagle not a dog. They are rare and difficult to photograph unless it is perched in a tree. As for aesthetics - the photo speaks for itself.


    I have a hard time thinking that any could honestly rate this as something less than outstanding. 7/7 by my calculation. I assume those who persistently rate such photos as 4/4 are trying to boost their own standings.

  1. I agree - colour is intense and composition excellent. I suppose that the dandilions could be sharper but nothing to be done about that and it really doesn't detract from overall image. However the diagonal out of focus line upper left is distracting and could be easily cloned out in photoshop.





    I have done a lot of diving and have never seen a sailfish or any billfish in the water, (I have seen them from the dive boat on the way out). I thought the sail was a mating display so maybe this guy thought you were cute!


    Anyway a flash would not likely have done much for you at this distance. One thing you might have tried was a magenta filter which would have colour balanced the image closer to daylight. I haven't much experience with that so I can't say it would have done so. If you shot this in raw you could custom colour balance and achieve much the same effect.


    But the blues are part of the underwater world, as is the etherial feel of this shot.


    Well done 7/7


    Outstanding photo. I wonder if you could bring up a little more detail in the wing of the bird on the right? In any event it is a great shot.
  2. We had been photographing these bears for two days. At the end of

    the second day this adult male grizzly came up from the river in the

    bush along the side of the road. He evidently wanted to cross the

    road but we were standing on the road. He was too full of salmon to

    bother walking up the road and around us and didn't want to cross

    while we were there. We didn't move, so he just lay down, put his

    head on his paws, watched and waited.


    Taken from a distance of about 20 feet. Heart thumping but

    fortunately the lens had image stabilization.


    Thanks for looking

  3. I didn't bring a tripod so I propped the camera on a rock, with

    pebbles and filter cases to level it. I used whatever I had to

    reduce the light levels - a conkin grad ND filter + a circular

    polarizer to enable me to get a long enought time exposure for this


  4. Nice capture. I saw a pair of mule deer battle it out to the death many years ago - at night and me without a camera at the time. If you like I think you could take the advice of the person above and spend a bit of photoshop time to bring up the exposure a bit. If it is a raw file it would work beautifully but you want to keep the subtle lighting too.



  5. overall it's a lovely shot. the barnacles on the rock in the foreground give it a lighter overall colour than those in the mid and background. For me, and it is a personal thing only, I prefer the more somber tones of the background and distant rocks as being more in keeping with the overall mood. You might experiment with toning down the highlights in the foreground rock. Anyway it is certainly a lovely shot as is.

    Scary Duck!


    I don't think the Grizzly was actually looking at the duck - it just

    seems to be doing so in the photo. I had thought of cropping the

    duck out but for the time being I've left it in.

    Wild Grizzly


    This photo was taken in northern British Columbia. There were

    several bears in the area, fattening themselves on salmon before the

    winter. Thanks for looking and feel free to comment.

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