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Image Comments posted by sjluke


    You have an outstanding portfolio. This image caught my eye and is even more beautiful seen larger. I love the tone and texture of her skin as well as the pose. Thank you for looking at my pictures and commenting. I appreciate it.
  1. I really like this. "Street shooting" is fraught with anxiety for me at this point. You have captured an interesting subject.

    Thanks for your comment on my picture. I always hesitate to put up pictures of children, but I was so happy with this lucky shot that I had to.

    Your portfolio is really beautiful.




    I really like this. The only suggestion I have is maybe to crop down from the top and get rid of the trees completely. Make it more abstract, almost.

    I was reading your comment today on critiquing and rating and agreeing with you for the most part. I tend to not rate photos that I think are ordinary either. There are plenty of outstanding ones to chose from. So what does one say to the fellow whose pictures are really quite ho hum? Nothing. I don't want to hurt his feelings!


    An arresting image. Will it be an album cover? You have created an alternate world here, and that is sometimes what good photography is all about.


    A classic shot caught at the right time, although the palm tree in the background is in an unfortunate place. Also, usually the horizon might be tilted slightly uphill, if anything, to give the horse a more "uphill" look.
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