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Image Comments posted by sjluke


    I am jealous that you are even in a place where you can take such pictures. Very impressive technical expertise, because I know how difficult it is to get the subject in focus when it is coming straight at you. Great shot.

    "I'm Listening"

    Well, the horse could not help but "listen" with a shank bit, curb chain and tie down. But the photo is fine. And the atmosphere is very good.
  1. I was immediately attracted to this image, among all your amazing and varied ones. This really seems to convey the feeling of a horse running. Thanks for your kind comment on my rugby picture. I like your black and white images, too.


    This really caught my eye. Lovely exposure and composition. (Although, strictly speaking, lunging in a halter is pretty much a waste of time, but that's just a training comment, not a photographic comment!)

    Red light


    I really like how the curves repeat, how the eye is drawn throughout the image. I love the quality of the light. Personally, I probably would have saturated the red more, just because I love hitting things over the head with a hammer.

    Nice image.

  2. I like this a lot, because it conveys a quiet but profound emotion. One is drawn to her hands; they seem still but tense, so there is something going on we wonder about. She is interesting and beautiful. Nice capture.

    What is this?


    I keep looking at this and seeing more and more things in it. Provocative and interesting. I'm also trying to figure out your post processing (I think that's what it is; it's really beautiful)Thanks for the comment on one of mine recently. I am often blown away by what catches someone's eye. Yes, I have a reason for liking every single one I put in my gallery, but still it surprises me when one of the "lesser" ones (in my opinion) appeals to anybody.

    I enjoy your work very much.



    I, too, was immediately drawn to this image. I like it very much, just the way it is. Thank you for the kind comment on my portfolio. I like the "no words" forum as it gives me a chance to see others work and to post my own in a less "judgemental" context than the critique forum or elsewhere.

    Keep up the good work!

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