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nicole cimon

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Image Comments posted by nicole cimon

    Burrowing Owl

    LOVE THIS ! Beautiful shot. Have you thought of cropping just a tiny bit on each side to make him and his eyes a tiny bit more predominant ? Congrats on this capture. Regards, Nicole

    Gygis Blanc

    Thanks Ray. This image is 100% untouched, nada. Today I sometimes use a bit of PS but really not much. I just don't take the time to learn. I still don't know what a layer is...The lens I used was the Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 EX APO HSM with a 2x converter. Thanks again for the comment, Nicole.


    Thanks Steve, your comments are always appreciated. I am still torn between the 2. I think I'll just conclude, I like both !

    Snowy Egret

    Thank you Leroy, Sondra and Helen. Leroy, concerning PS I am a bit lost with your suggestion since I only use an old limited edition. Concerning the tri-tones etc where do I find this ? I will check and see if the edition I have has this option. Thanks again


    Thank you all for your comments. I myself think I prefer the B&W for the same reasons C Brake wrote. Difficult to decide, the mood is so different. Thanks again.


    Hmmmm, interesting. Love the layers of color, love the mood and composition but somehow I feel there's something missing. Just can't put my finger on it. Maybe I would like to see the trees a tiny bit more clearly, dunno. What is interesting is that this image becomes more and more appealing as you look at it but still there is something. Did you do anything in PS ?

    Grizzly Stare

    Wow ! How far were you ? Great shot but I think I would try to crop a bit to get that branch on the lower left side a bit out of the way. Regards, Nicole


    Good to see you posting ! I really love this kind of image ! Love the movement. I guess you only post masterpieces now ? Checked out your folio, hmmmm, yep 3 masterpieces...hahaha See you soon I hope, Nicole


    Thank you for your comments. Ellen, I will probably post it in color so you can compare and give me your opinion. Carl, I did consider cropping but I do like that empty space. Would love to know what others think...Thanks again, Nicole

    Full Moon

    Thank you all for your comments. However you will be disappointed when I tell that this was not taken in the wild but in a wildlife refuge outside of Montreal, so not much credit for that. In this image, I wanted to focus on the light and his breath, did think it made an original shot.
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