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nicole cimon

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Image Comments posted by nicole cimon

    Gygis Blanc


    First of all, I do not mind, on the contrary, this is fun, I'll learn a few things.

    Since I have never worked with photoshop yet and my pictures are pretty much what you see is what you get I am a bit lost with the description of exactly what you did.


    As for the result, I have to say I prefer the "untouched" version. Taste is very personal and subjective. Another thing, it is difficult to compare because of the different size in picture.


    With the changes, there is now a discrete hot spot on his head with the loss of fluffiness I had. The white stern is a difficult bird in digital because of the white plumage and then the black eyes. I did have a bit of light in the eyes(really tiny) which I think is lost because of the increase in contrast (or maybe is it the size of the picture). As for the background, the dark is darker which I think takes the eye off the bird and also decreases the texture on the branch he is sitting on.


    Hmmmm...different opinion eh ? Again what we like and even see is very personal. Thanks, it does tell me this picture is worthwhile. Would you like me to post this and see what other people think ? Nicole


    I must say though when I compare my pictures to some others on this site...wow do I have ways to go. Was using film up to last year so digital is still pretty new to me. I have not yet tried working with photoshop, maybe eventually.


    Thank you so much for your comment. I cropped a bit more on the wing side as you suggested. However, I did want to keep a bit of the clouds on the right side so I did not crop right to the wing. Thanks, I think it looks better, more balanced.

    White Tern




    Thank you for your comments and Ken thank you for your precious info. I already have 7 photos in my portfolio which are all big. Should I delete or leave as is ? I will definitly resize from now on.

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