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nicole cimon

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Image Comments posted by nicole cimon


    Hmmmm, don't like this one as much because without your explanation, he does look hurt or dead. I'm looking forward for my next visit !!!!


    Wonderful nude ! This is an amazing capture in every way, outstanding, the background makes the bird stand out so beautifully. I've never seen these guys in real life. Every image you've posted since my last visit is awesome. Bravo !!!


    Thank you Bryan and Theodore. Bryan, search me as for what he is, I got him at the San Diego Zoo, found him so cute. I would say he's a genetically modified mix between a meerkat and a marmot, but definitly plush :) I have not had time to do any photography for months, just to many things going on right now, family health issues, house falling apart from water infiltrations everywhere ): To bring my spirits up, I've been taking a few quick plush pictures, you'll probably see more of them, it's the next best thing to the real thing :)


    Thank you for your comments. Hey Bryan, how are you ? Always good to hear from you, I'll go visit you a little later. Vladimir, thank you for your rating however it would be great to have a few comments on why you consider this below average. This is always a learning process :)


    Thank you Julio for your comment. I did try exactly what you suggest before posting this image and yes it does make a nice panoramic image. The reason I finally did not crop as you suggest is that I do like the light at the bottom right. However there's still something I don't like either way, dont know.
  1. Yeah, I'm on the verge of deleting everything. I'm not having fun anymore. I'm not learning anything and it was pretty much the whole point of this. I know this is not a great picture but only 3s and no comments ? I have an idea to do something with these plush pictures and did want to have some input. Always nice to hear from you Bryan, how is it on the other side ?

    Joy #2

    Yep, that's the one ! Did you do any modifications on this one ? I understand your sunday morning fit...I've thought many times about deleting everything. As for globe trotting, nah not for now. We did go to Nicaragua last year, I still haven't finished our photo album ! Ugh It's been more than a year. BTW I also still love the B&W of the door and lock. Take care and come and visit, Nicole

    Joy #2


    How are you ? Came to visit and I noticed you deleted some images. Hmmm, there was one if I'm not mistaking of a wheel in movement in B&W. I really liked that one. You had some really clever shots which you deleted. ? . I absolutely love the 3 image joy 1 & 2 and dizzy, they're amazing ! Regards and take care. PS: if you come and visit you will notice my talents in PS have not changed, almost nil...hahaha What can someone do...life gets in the way




    Thank you Rich for your input however I'm not sure I understand your comment.

    You wrote Don't think so...meaning ? I did not increase the saturation of any color in this image so it cannot be oversaturated. All I did was crop a little and lighten the image. I used a flash for this image and the eyes turned out a bit turquoise which I lightened a tad. In conclusion the only manipulation was lighten a bit and lighten the turquoise. I am sad if it looks overmanipulated since it was not.

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