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Everything posted by igla

  1. igla


    Fallow deer
  2. igla

    Gold men

    I see a men looking over his shoulder.
  3. igla

    Father and son

    Thank you very much Pierre.
  4. igla


    Hmm, i saw somewhere that we should submit pics at 300 dpi. Printing resolution.
  5. igla


    I like this one. i call it Inner thoughts. Regards.
  6. igla

    Winter in pastels II

    Another winter in my perspective.
  7. igla


    Thank you Larry. I am working on the size.
  8. igla


    Neighborhood pond
  9. igla


    Thank you Mick. I am glad it makes you feel that way.
  10. igla


    Snow covered trees . My ravine.
  11. igla


    Thank you Giangiorgio.
  12. igla


    Went for a walk and got back with this
  13. igla

    Winter in pastels

    Winter from my perspective
  14. igla


    Nature in my eyes
  15. igla


    Thank you . Yes it was.
  16. igla

    Winter B&W

    Hi Kamala. I like this one a lot. The reflections in the water, just the right amount of darkening and the choice of going monochrome. I would put it on my wall, bravo.
  17. igla


    Hi Franz. I like it a lot. the pastel colours work for me and the windows and the triangle sky. only the bottom part is a bit distracting.
  18. igla

    silvery locks

    I like the arrangement of the object, but the execution of the shot not so much. the branch in front is very distracting, and maybe shading it from the direct sunlight will help to get rid of the glittery and plastic look of the strings. I have the same problems shooting it. Regards.
  19. igla

    hi Lacey, I like this one. Pic with potential. i would crop everything at the top above water to focus more on the vegetation in the water and reflections of trees that complement it.
  20. igla


    Hi Arthur. There is slight Jurassic tint to it.
  21. Awesome. i like the rustic look of the boat and the rainbow, not so much the people.
  22. igla

    Canada goose

    Branta canadensis
  23. igla

    Nature in B/W

    Trying new f1.4 lens
  24. igla


  25. igla


    That is an interesting self portrait. Extreme macro. well done. What method did you use to digitize the original?
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