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susan stone

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Image Comments posted by susan stone

    "Bovine Blizzard"

    Good Da' Lynne, I don't mind the cold but I melt when the temps get over 90, I'll take a good blizzard any day. The weather has warmed up and we're calving so my time spent on PN is going to be limited for a couple months, thanks for the visit.


    You've done a great job composing this Alex, I like the centered composition a lot and of course I love all the beautiful RED color, RED's my favorite color. It does look like a tire fire so I think your title really works too. Keep up the good work.
  1. The sunset has painted the trees and Mother Nature has given the deer her lovely white coat. I think my favorite time of the day is that quiet hour before sunset, all seems well with the world.
  2. I'm addicted to that Infrared button in Elements, it gives an image a whole new slant on the landscape. It does add some "noise" that can work in some situations. This is a great capture, the fact that he's got a fish in his beak makes this one more interesting. Nice silhouette.....wish he'd been further out in the water and the reflection could of been of the whole bird.
  3. Well Tim you got this "pony portrait" just right! No fences, they've all got their ears up, wonderful backdrop, love the stalks of grass in the foreground, and I like the "centered" composition too. But there's something "flat" about the colors?!
  4. Your photography Jeff has recently stepped into a different realm.....lovely and abstract, color and form for the sake of color and form, a sweeping motion to mesmerise the eye, and a creative guide to another world.
  5. I concur about cropping part of the water, it would create a panorama of the image and the real subject is the chairs and their reflections, I love the colors, and the way the chairs seems to be "glowing", and the iconic symbolism.
  6. This image stands out in this folder for it's strong use of color yet simple but interesting composition. The repeating graphic detail in the leaves create a complex natural grid.
  7. I appreciate your visit and view point Jack. I've taken to packing a small P&S camera in my coat pocket to capture scenes just like this, these men really don't like me poking a camera in their faces so I "sneak" shots when I can. They are about as authentic as it gets, a dying breed for sure.


    I knew someone like you Carol would appreciate and understand this image, you've lived it to. We graze over 105 sections and a couple leased places so we spend a lot of time horseback and most of it's done the tradional way.

    "Bovine Blizzard"

    I'll most likely be here Pete and I'd love for you to stop by for a visit, I've hosted several other PN members and "the latch string's always out", drop me an email and let me know when you'll be wandering through.
  8. The "hot" colors and the dynamics of the subjects within the frame are fraught with a mysterious tension and dreamlike wonderment. It's gone beyond the realm of photo to a conceptualized piece of Art that could have been painted instead of digitally captured. I think it's very creative and certainly could illicit a broad range of interpretations. Very interesting.....


    I was "loading" my truck to make a fast "exit" from my rundown apartment while looking for another place "for rent" but they weren't "open" so I got a "tattoo" instead, now I'm just hanging out on a "branch" waiting for the ink to dry.
  9. I appreciate that you're documenting all these ranches and I hope it somehow influences our Government to not do a take over of these lands for another "training site". It's been my job this winter to feed "cake" and on some days I roll out hay. Way back in our Grandpa's time farmers fed a compacted feed called "cottonseed cake", it was used to supplement the livestocks grazing and or hay, and generally had a higher protein content. Now a days cake is mostly comprised of a mixture of ground up hay and grains and minerals, and it's compressed into hard pellets about the size of a big cigar. You can purchase cake in 50 pound sacks or have it delivered by a semi. We store our cake in an overhead bin, the truck I feed with has a large metal box on the back with sloped sides and an auger in the bottom. I merely flip a switch and as I drive in a big circle around the cows the cake is spread out on the ground in a long thin line. We only feed cake in the winter to supplement the cows growing nutritional needs before they calve. Oh, and I like this shot the best, it's a wonderful old building with a lot of character, a "shed portrait" for sure.


    The gaily painted woman sitting in that "box" of color is what makes this work for me, a B&W version would loose a bit of the "story". Your title immediately made me think of the song "One fine day.....", but I can only remember the first line or two of it. Another "classic" Meyer's for sure.


    A storm is blowing outside right now but this wonderful image gives me hope that Spring is just around the corner. This one reminds me of flower paintings that were so popular in the 40's and 50's and women would decorate their homes with them. Perfect DOF to showcase these lovely blooms.


    Joe you must have a personal table at O'Malley's! This series of portraits is so well done, you've used the lighting to create a wonderful moodiness that's very nostalgic of an earlier era, the clock has truly been turned back in these stunning images. The silhouette really works here in juxaposition to the exit sign and the fan adds brilliantly to the storyline. Have a cold one for me.
  10. Not to be contrary but it's contrasty enough! A tale telling' title too....say that fast three times. This is a wonderful image me friend, I too like how it's all slowly bending in. Home sweet home.
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