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susan stone

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Image Comments posted by susan stone

    Good work

    Now that's story telling at it's best. I love knowing that genuine characters like this man still exist, I hope he's happy with the interesting life he must lead....good work Bob.
  1. I'm quite glad to be starting a New Year and I'm doing it with hope in my heart, and goodwill toward "most" mankind, and blessings to the beasts. Other than all that fal-da-ra I love the spontaneity of this image, I almost waved back. And it was nice to get a visit from an ol' friend.


    Pnina, I read through all the comments and the different versions per the crops wasn't a factor for me when it came to the appeal of the image, but the story telling and my interpretation is what made this image so profound. Directly above the man's bowed head and in the background is a large black X that somehow seems to invalidate the man's existence and his body posture bends to that verdict. The word that comes to my mind is poignant.

    St Etienne du mont

    Very dynamic image, the impending storm and slash of light on the front of the building make for high drama. But the lines in the sky are a bit distracting to my eye. The mood of the picture makes me feel like I've turned back the clock of time to another era.
  2. After looking through your folders I have to say this is one of my favorites because of the "story telling" quality to the image. The title makes me really "look" at this and I get to make up my own stories. It definitely is defined by street Photography. Works well in B&W.
  3. I do have a suggestion my dear, to further draw the eye and attention to the beautiful sunlite hills I'd crop out a bit of the dark foreground....that first slope I think but leave the "knob" with trees on it for the foreground interest. I held a piece of paper up to my monitor and cropped off the bottom and it seemed, to my eye, to be a little more dynamic. And you've got a wonderful sky to balance it all.

    I'm A Man

    I like that you take a "theme" as in "park bench" and explore the possibilities for composition and human interest. Ya, he's a man alright but I'm "judging a book by it's cover" and guessing he's pretty self-absorbed. I like it when an image gives me a mental story and this one certainly does.
  4. This is totally stunning, so soft and delicate. The foreground branches absolutely make this image for me, it's like peeking through a lattice at a beautifully vailed woman. In this case the personna is mother nature at her finest.

    "Bovine Blizzard"

    Hello Duane, it's been a while since I posted anything new, I just can't bring myself to delete my PN site. Lately I've been doing a lot of HDR work and one of these days I'll start posting again.
  5. I followed a comment my good friend Kim Barton made on a recent post of yours and it led me to your amazing "photo paintings" and this one just blew me away. I spent 16 yeas as a hired ranch hand and this image rings so true for me. I would like to purchase a print, my fingers are crossed that you sell your beautiful work. It's always fun to discover a new artist.....thanks Kim.

    "Winter Kill"

    Thanks Jim, I need to "clean up" my portfolio here on PN, some of my older stuff is so ho-hum and I'm not posting my newer work, but I really appreciate the positive comment.
  6. Nice piece of "Art", when I first saw the thumbnail I thought it was raining light on a dusty hill....so abstract so nice. The simplicity of the composition and the "magical" light keep my creative eye busy wandering this desolate "landscape". Interesting that this was in your "....August" folder, it has a seasonal Fall feel to it as if the summer light is waning. Actually Fall is my favorite season and not just for all the beautiful color but I think I relate to the nostalgia of another year winding down and getting ready to hibernate.

    "Winter Kill"

    Hi Jack, I'm always a little surprised when someone leaves a comment on my work, I haven't posted anything new for a year now, but I do take a peek at some of my "friends" work and leave an occasional comment.....anyway I'm glad you stopped by. I'm a full time student here in Powell Wyoming in the Photographic Communications program trying to prove you can teach an old dog new tricks. I've been doing a lot of HDR stuff and having fun with creating some "motion blur" imagery by waving my camera around like a madwoman. Where did the summer go, this image reminds me that Fall and Winter are just around the corner?!
  7. And that movie "creeped" me out! Love those bullet holes, someone apparently had a particular pattern in mind when shooting at these windows, as in.....that's right where the people would be sitting. It's scary the way some "shooters" minds work.
  8. Yes I'm still alive and well....and you my friend? Pleasantries aside I really "dig" the blues and the furnishings feel quite appropriate for that summer beach house that we all long to visit. The decorator very much likes symetrical placements and obviously the cool colors of blue, wonderfully rustic and a well composed image to my way of thinking. The red phone adds a nice spot of color but it does feel a little ominous.
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