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Image Comments posted by giggles

    Devoted Love

    Nicely captured! I would suggest a black background. I think it would enhance the lighting better. Just an idea - I tend to be partial to the black backdrops though:-)

    Noah & Makenna

    Jayme - I like the black addition on the right. Normally I tend to put my subjects a little off center but you're right in this instance having them centered looks more appealing. I was trying to shoot my Christmas shot but Nicholas wasn't cooperating so I'll try again another day!

    Noah & Makenna


    Hi Jose - I am learning also and just started using external lights a few months ago. On this particular shot I used two softbox strobes - one on each side about 45 degrees from each of their faces. My kids are sitting on the floor and the lights are a little higher than the top of their heads and pointed down - hence the catch light in the upper portion of their eyes. I do like the shadow it created on the sides of their faces that are touching. I think it makes it more interesting especially with their expressions.


    I recommend getting lighting and if you already have just play, play, play. That is how I am learning. I am constantly moving them closer, farther, up and down.


    Thanks again!!!

  1. I am very sad for your great loss! Francesco was a great photographer and his passion for life and art were evident through his photos. I am honored that he left comments on my portfolio and will miss seeing his talent. May your faith guide you and comfort you through this agonizing time in your lives, may your children always feel his love through his countless pictures he has taken of them and may you find the strength to continue on life's journey with Francesco's memory and spirit always with you and your children.





    Another beautiful portrait with amazing lighting. You are a true artist that controls lighting amazingly. I will come to your portfolio often for inspiration.


    Beautiful portrait and model. I love the lighting and the catch light of her eyes. I might crop a little of the bottom to focus more on her face. Just a suggestion.
  2. Thanks Will for your praises. They mean alot and keep me motivated. I saw your forum posting about low ratings and at one time I was as frusterated as you but I have learn that it does no good. I chalk up the low ratings - as I think as Jayme once put it - to the weirdos that only like the nudes. I tend to only rate children or portrait pictures unless others really move me and deserve a high rating. I do this just because I feel that I am not qualified to rate photos in digital alterations, still life, fashion, etc. since I do not do that type of work myself. What might be ugly to me might be a complicated piece of art to others. I only pretend to know children. I wish others would follow my example and if they give a low rating to leave suggestions, but they never do. So I gave up. It only matters what you think of your photos since you know the child or natural setting and you know how much work it took or how you felt when you printed it out for the first time. That is truly what matters... I, too was very happy with this photo. Thanks again:-)
  3. Thanks Jayme - glad to see your back on PN. I hope your arm is recovering ok. This little girl was great fun to shoot and I hope to do some more of her in the next few months. When I first played with this I worried about the top of her being cut off but I am glad people like it regardless. I wish I had your talent with handcoloring but my turn out horrible. Thank goodness for the history brush:-)

    Topsy Turvy

    Very nice Sharon - I like the texture of the ground. It adds an interesting element. I also like how she is looking off instead of at you. Great capture.


    I love the light in this photo. I just wish that one section of hair wasn't hiding her face. I know it is so hard to get everything just right sometimes you just have to capture the spontaneous moment, as you have done. Good job!
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