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Everything posted by JamieK

  1. JamieK

    North of Fort Bragg #2

    i'll let you know. jamie
  2. well, there is some smoke, but in the front there are branches?? jamie
  3. JamieK

    " Atmosphere "

    amazing colours. jamie
  4. JamieK

    Hey, Teachers...III

    you are a photo terrorist, my friend. a photo terrorist.
  5. JamieK

    Exhibition II

    no wonder they cancelled your library card!!
  6. atone for your sins!! we need you!!!
  7. JamieK


    it's like a leger. i love it. jamie
  8. JamieK

    Forget me not

    really lovely. i suppose i wouldn't have stopped down so much, but it has worked here to your advantage. best, jamie
  9. JamieK

    Mi invierno

    really compelling. this is how colour should be limited. not by photoshop tricks. best, jamie
  10. JamieK

    North of Fort Bragg #2

    such a magnificent look! i'll put some film up in a week or so. have to get it scanned and such like... jamie p.s.: that really looks great
  11. JamieK

    See You Leiter

    really good composition as well. best, jamie
  12. JamieK

    Remembering My Bailey

    you're amazing at putting these things together. best, jamie
  13. JamieK

    Tempus fugit 79AW6859

    well handled, not over processed. great subject. jamie
  14. JamieK

    Crossing... 84

    girl with all those patterns around her! i love that it's number 84. best, jamie
  15. JamieK

    My Sweet Girl

    lovely photo and presentation. j
  16. it's a nice one. i think i even see some beneficial blur. sorry i didn't see your comments right away. i only check this account every once in a while. best, jamie
  17. JamieK


    Captive flora. What next? Thanks Holger. best, j
  18. JamieK


    groovy thing
  19. very pleased to see you are still saying eloquent things with mysterious and imaginative pictures. this one looks different than the others i saw in days long passed, but it still has that, "No No No! you're not supposed to think it's real" quality that gets them deeply into your head. sorry i haven't been around much. roger sonneland tempted over to 500px, where people sometimes even pay attention to my pictures. see ya. jamie p.s.: grasshopper. the lizard seems to cute and friendly.
  20. JamieK

    State of Grace

    actually sorry. i am just so tired of comments that tell me what a good picture is instead of what the person likes or dislikes. i am tired of people giving instructions as to how they would do something as if i should do it that way too. to the best of my knowledge, i do not do that. i try not to present myself as the master and the other as the student. i honestly feel that my comments were measured, yours disrespectful. thank you for them, though. be well. jamie
  21. JamieK

    State of Grace

    Pierre - My mother and I thank you. best, j Jack - Thanks for your gentle criticism. I know that portraits like you describe seem better to most people, and this preference is rather counterintuitively one of many reasons why that kind of portrait seems sterile and lifeless to me. More interestingly, perhaps, I find it odd that there can be such a strong notion of the right way to do something that you think this was accidental. Your way is far easier, in my experience, but it would have been a picture of trees instead of a forest, so to speak. Finally, the Coup de Grace - she would certainly prefer it even blurrier than it is! best, j Fred - Thanks for both of your kind comments. I think what I said above about missing the forest for the trees applies. I believe I am good at many things photographic, but I agree that portraiture probably isn't one of them. I do not think sharper is the answer, however, and as I wrote above, she certainly would not think so either. I would say that the Sunday-Supplement look that everyone seems to go for now is the worst thing to happen to portraiture, ever. It's much more about the photographer than the subject, a trap I would tentatively suggest your comments fall into. I do apprehend and appreciate that your comments make clear that you are discussing personal preferences and not universal rules. I attached a detail in case you are curious. Her nose really isn't in focus either, just higher contrast. I love this lens for the way it does this, by the way. best, j - - - P.S.: I agree with you totally about the other, similar shot.
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