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Posts posted by carl_bretteville

  1. I've had mine since the beginning of March '04. The only complaint I have is the 6second save time of RAW shots. Even if the camera is abit noicy at 400 it dosen't look bad if the shot is converted to B&W. Mine is mostly stuck at ISO100 and I live fine with that. Like any tool you have to learn how it works best for you. Yes, it was expendive when new, but boy has it been fun using it. It still churns out great images and I have no regrets.


    At $600 is 1/3 of the original price (if I remember correctly) and that is, IMHO, a excellent image quality for your money even by today's standards.


    - Carl

  2. There must be a lot of stuff in there, I just mesured the distance from the film plane to the bit of my Elmar-M protruding the furtherst into my M6 and the distance is something in the range of 6-7mm.


    Doomed, no just an oppurtunity for someone like Lutz to come up with a gizmo that keeps us from collapsing it by mistake....

  3. "I'll take the wonder a step further. Why in hell was the 1.5X crop sensor ever invented? The camera companies should have charged more, and gone straight to full frame."


    Cost is one thing, vignetting is another. Image sensors are much more sencitive to the angle at which the light strikes it than film is. This can be controlled to some extent, but if the angle is low enough the light will not get to the receptors causing vignetting.<div>00I1tz-32359184.jpg.febcc10976a94a70b577fb8c5f430f0a.jpg</div>

  4. It hasn't been oficially announced so noone can say 100% one way or the other. What we do know is that Leica have stated previously that they will not make lenses with reduced image circles (like the DX lenses for dSLRs). From this we can speculate that the answer to your question will be "yes, it can". The M8 is scheduled to be announced on September 15th and the wide Tri-Elmar will probably be announced at the same time.
  5. From red to green (or some other colour). From constant to blinking LED (or the other way around). From 'on' to 'off'. You'll know it when you see it. Leave the batteries charging over night and you're fine. It will take a coupple of charge/drain cycles for the celle to come to full life. If at all possible, you should drain them all the way down before recharging the firs toqw-three cycles.


    Good luck and have fun traveling.


    - Carl

  6. I'm just seeing the first results of the 25/4 I purchased from Steven a coupple of weeks ago. First impresion is that it is easier to controll than my 21/4. Like the weight and haven't got a problem with the focusing not being couppled. Feels like a good lens to use in the summer time when there is enough light to keep the aperture at 5.6/8 and leave the focus at 3 meters. That gives me dof from aprox 1.5 to infinity.


    - Carl

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