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Posts posted by chris_harley1

  1. Im way off base ??

    I own a 7d and a dynax 9 and a 5400ii scanner so I think that's a broad spectrum on the film/digital debate.My point, which as usual you fail to see, is that I have a minolta system that works.With it I am able to take stunning and beautiful pictures that satisfy all the criteria I have for photography. Who cares if Minolta are around in 20 years ? I will still have this kit with which I will still be able to take beautiful satisfying pictures. If Minolta are not around ( I hope they are) I will have to buy another system if I feel my beautiful,satisfying pictures are obselete. By your reckoning, if minolta are still around then I will have to buy new kit because my old kit will no longer be 'up to date' and consequently all my pictures will be old fashioned and useless. If you're so sure of all your 'this is the end of' prophecies then why not ditch film, go digital; ditch Minolta go Cannon/Nikon or why not go out and take photos and stop worrying about the future chicken-licken !

  2. Just to say that with the 7D you CAN take a picture then look at the histogram and see if any part of the picture you have taken is out of lattitude/dynamic range, out of range shadow and blown highlights flash alternately showing the exact parts that haven't been captured.Kind of takes the fun out of it photography though !

    DOF is not shown though why not is a mystery to me, especially when you consider the newer (D) lenses have focal distance encoded for flash.

  3. Uggh a camera with video/mp3/personal organiser and web surfing how pointless would that be ?? And how gross ?? I take my camera out to get away from all that stuff ! Cant see the appeal of all this convergent technology - maybe a mint flavoured 7D to take away the nasty taste of all the money I've lost since I bought mine in March ?
  4. the simple answer,as with everything in emergent technology is to wait ;-) today's must have is tomorrow's obselete embarassment. Until the technology reaches a point where any improvement in quality is pointless, ie at some point having another MP of resolution is imperceptible, I expect somebody will be able to tell us where that is. At that time the only differentiating factor for manufacturers is price, which i guess, is the time to jump on board for the frugal. Let's face it 6MP,8MP and even 15MP will be 'low res ' in 2 years time. Even the mighty ?5000 Canons of today will be surpassed by cheap starter SLRs I guess within 3-4 years.

    The usual form for computers has been that at any time a top-notch gaming monster will be ?2000-2500, a high quality machine around ?1000 and 3-6 month old models at around ?500.Only the spec changes with time not the cost.

    The main caveat for digital SLR's must be that unlike computers which have ever more processor intense apps written for them, picture quality must have a maximum perceptible resolution.

    Did KM overprice the 7D ? That's all subjective, how much do you really want the latest model ? I must agree though that seeing prices drop so fast makes those who have the most patience the real winners....... but thats true of all purchases ;-)

  5. I bought the 7d about 3 months ago and initially thought it was great and would save me money.Since then I've bought a dynax 9 and gone back to film.The advantages for the 7d is its great for small photos and snaps of friends and family and its cheap to take hundreds of pictures but it has some major downsides.

    The viewfinder absolutely sucks its small, not 100% and mine seems to be slightly lopsided.The autofocus compared to the dynax 9 is an absolute pile of ****, mine hunts and is so slow and innacurate Ive missed a few fast shots i would have liked to make.Second, I know I should have thought of this before but being less than full frame it seems to be much less suitable for landscape photography than my 9 loaded with velvia.Finally, the 6 MP is far too limiting to get good quality large size prints.

    I'm not a minolta hater, all my kits minolta, but I wish i waited to go digital... my basic needs would be full frame, decent autofocus, fantastic viewfinder and massive MP, think I'll wait a good few years before comitting myself to digital fully, even if the rumours of a 14MP 9D are true I don't think thats truly enough to make the grade.

  6. ive been loooking at the ssm for some time and like you thinking about the price. happened to bump into an old 80-200 apo secondhand last week and bought that instead, obviously for a fraction of the price.i fitted it to my dynax 7d and was extremely pleased with the results, beautiful sharp images and excellent colour.my advice, forget the ssm get the older lens and pocket the money for other lenses ! its not perfect , a focus limiter would be handy as i think the 7d tends to hunt on af a little and the tc is a problem but its a fantastic lens.
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