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Posts posted by chris_harley1

  1. Like I said who's brave enough? The basic rules of trade apply to any offer.

    If it's too good to be true it's false.

    Personally I would never buy an item above a value I was willing to lose

    from a non-shop seller.I would rather pay more and collect an item personally and inspect it.That said I have bought lenses from ebay before but always from large 'shops' with thousands of feedback.Still it was educational at least!

  2. I agree there was some pent-up demand and caution but I think we're all a little Minolta-centric here! Sony has a large and established digital camera market of its own many of these may have been waiting for Sony to come out with a DSLR.

    Still these are figures for a debut month expect sales to tail off rapidly.

  3. I'm not waiting for a FF camera at below cost I'm looking for a choice of cameras that allow me to make a balance between affordability, need and desirability. The a-200 does nothing for me because I invested in a 7D and it's not worth the upgrade. I will part with my hard earned cash when the right camera comes along. It will be FF and not cost the earth since I may as well switch to that other manufacturer if these desires are not fulfilled over the next few years.

    One DSLR does not make much of an impact in marketing terms.

    A range creates aspiration.

    How many of us go to an electrical retailer with the intention of buying one thing at a certain price only to spend more because the next most expensive boasts an improved gizmo.

    Give me gizmos Sony damn you!

  4. I'm not sure the costs are that high though obviously it's not cheap. If you take Phase One as an example their digital backs sell at around 20000 dollars but they sell into a very small market of studio professionals. There are also 2 or 3 other manufacturers competing with them in the same market. I'm guessing that market doesn't run into billions gross let alone billions return.

    The real question is wether there is a will at Sony to make a pro camera or a desire to make gimicky consumer cameras, the latter of which was pressaged in their original announcement to make a DSLR. Imagine a camera that took video from which you could select a few stills etc.

  5. I'm sure Nikon would love to get hold of a Sony FF sensor.There's one market. Canon is making a tidy profit selling FF at pro and prosumer level.Why would Canon make it a cheaper FF camera if there was no demand? If Sony wants to compete then FF would be a natural development.


    As has been said before I'm sure the Alpha is aimed at P+S users wanting to upgrade and those Minolta users who hadn't gone digital. It's not enough of a change to tempt most 7D users or recent 5D purchasers.


    If Sony can sell enougth of these cameras then other developments will take place.

  6. Sorry I'm inclined to agree with Robert on this one. None of us 'need' a flat screen HD TV but they're the fastest selling consumer product in the UK at the moment.Our old TV's were capable of producing a perfectly good picture but our wants have changed.


    I DO NOT NEED a camera at all, my life would not be over without one.I do however WANT one.


    I DO NEED a full-frame to take undistorted wide-angle landscape shots.


    Chad have you tried playing a new release game on your old computer ? You may want to surf the net and use Excel 97 only but others want to play the new half-life at god only knows frames per second.

  7. Peter why so angry ? Why the venom ?


    You misunderstand me. I have never read a poor review of any Cannon photography product in UK camera magazines. I have read poor reviews of the Minolta 7D in many magazines. To my mind thay seem harsh and biased ( I love my 7d), they slated its focusing yet paid little attention to its ease of use and great functions, why ? 'Cause it didn't say Cannon on the front.I've not said that the Alpha is a poor camera. I have said that there simply is no Chinese wall between magazine reviewers and marketing men and I do not believe that reviews of ANY products in magazines are unbiased or always written by experts anymore. I AM saying that Sony are more media savvy than Minolta and they will make a greater sucess of marketing their cameras than Minolta did.They know how to get the magazine reviewers onside. They have already made a good start with the alpha and its launch.

    Yes I understand what 'bias' means I am not 2 years old but thankyou for patronising me.(that means talk down to).

    What the hell does 'grow or die' mean ?? Some kind of weird threat ?

    Please can you post some links to where it says I can't express an opinion on this site?


    Robert I have read the press releases from Sony avidly and not seen any sight of any statement suggesting anything other than low priced DSLRs.The most ominous thing I read was some half-baked scheme to turn the camera into a video camera/still camera. I spent hours searching and hoping for a mention of full-sized sensors but nothing.But God I hope they are planning something bigger and I dont have to trade in all my expensive Minolta gear to get a full-frame sensor from Cannon.I can wait a while but not too long.

  8. I believe that the 30 percent market share Sony are after will be coming out of the market share of the manufacturers Sony supplies with sensors.

    Sony makes a new improved chip, fits it to their camera and makes its customers wait 6 months for the update.

    It really must be Nikon who have to rely on their brand loyalty/name keeping them going.They have no sensor making back-up.

    As regards the full-frame camera, I don't believe we should hold our breath (please prove me wrong Sony).Lens selections are largely legacy from KM full frame film.Why spend a fortune developing a new lens range when you have an adequate one in place?It also largely mirrors the Nikon range and leaves options open. However the Sony movement has been from P&S to DSLR budget and should continue to the higher end semi-pro.

    I would point out that Sony has been able to use its marketing muscle to get great reviews on its camera (You don't really belive these reviews are anything but biased do you ?).THAT'S THE KEY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SONY AND MINOLTA.

  9. Have you tried using the supplied tool to reset the door?

    I had a similar problem once when I jammed the door due to impatience (turned it off before it had finished ejecting).

    Any way there's a little hole on the side to the left of the door.You have to poke it. It should say somewhere in your instructions.

    Hope this is a help!

  10. Truth is most people will buy a small P&S. Some of these may be persuaded to buy a slightly more expensive DSLR with a cheapish useful range zoom.This is where the A100 is positioned, highish spec compared to P&S and cheap.

    Hopefully these people become more avid and knowledgable users in time and purchase more accessories.

    I'm no longer sure that a higher spec camera is on Sony's mind at the moment.Their lens range does suggest a higher end, yet these are all rebadged Minolta and they may be as much legacy support for unfulfilled demand as they are positioning for the future, either way what's Sony got to lose by having them ?

  11. You make a good final point here Peter, having met some people who are involved with producing Camera magazines in the UK, I now realise that reviews in these magazines are the most biased and ill-informed articles you could come across. What matters is perception. Cannon and Nikon threaten to withdraw co-operation with any magazine that doesn't play ball, Sony needs to use all its know-how and marketing skills to get their cameras reviewed positively. I rarely read a very positive review of the 7D but to my mind it's one of the most intuitive cameras to operate I have ever seen with very reasonable specs. I think Sony has far greater leverage with these magazine houses (who usually also produce hi-fi,Tv and Electronics magazines) than Minolta could ever muster. The next few months of this launch are crucial.
  12. Well done Sony, I'm sure that Cannon are interested and Nikon worried.The price and spec are excellent a real competitor to the Nikon

    DSLR's.Personally I would still like to see full-frame, ISO 50 for my Landscape interests.If that were to happen then I'm sure even Cannon would take note.

    Also glad to see that the SSM lenses I haven't been able to get hold of yet should be available later in the year.Glass half empty wonders if this means that Sony aren't jumping in with both feet until they can gauge a market response to their camera, half full hopes that this means a more prosumer camera is being readied for later in the year.

    Anyway this looks like a great camera can't wait to read full reviews.

  13. If it's only 2 days to go what are we gonna speculate about after ? ;-)Thank God for the world cup hehe.

    Still would like a pro-spec camera full-frame and 16MP. That would make all the lenses I've bought a sound investment.Seriously getting itchy feet if it doesn't happen soon.

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