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Posts posted by chris_harley1

  1. Hi. I'm a complete flash novice but, with a baby due in a few weeks,

    want to take some photos of my little sprog. Its not very original I

    know but I want to take a photo a little like this;


    The look I'm after is of just hand and feet visible like this but I

    would also like the light to be a little harsher to accentuaute the

    wrinkles of my baby's Grandfather's hands.

  2. Yeah you could try googling Digital Velvia plugin for photoshop or try alienskins Exposure --http://www.alienskin.com/exposure/index.html which aims to replicate many different films, though I've never tried them myslef, or you could try manipultaing the saturation in photoshop.
  3. Yeah the 17-35 and the 85 are great lenses, managed to buy the last of each at cameraking in the UK.They were selling them a little below List as they were dumping their Minolta stock. Both great buys. My last few wishlist lenses are a 300 f4, apo ii teleconvertors and the 35mm 1.4 G.I'll wait for Ebay cos I've got enough lenses to be going on with !
  4. Errr they allready made an anouncement a few months back. What you mean is you want some reassurance ;) They've taken over repairs and spares that's quite a big responsibility and shows a lot of commitment. They cannot spend their time reassuring the worriers about the future.
  5. Seems to me everywhere I look Minolta lenses are out of stock. Are

    they still making them or is it a question of what's left is the lot ?

    Why doesn't Sony give some answers ? Why wait to a trade show when any

    internet announcement is eagerly awaited and would be flagged by every

    interested site...... Where's the certainty in life ? Sigh.

  6. Clinton, what's a pro-level DSLR ? I guess todays' top of the range Cannon will be equivalent to a ᆪ500 camera in 2 years. This is emergent technology but as discussed many times before, perceptible improvements in picture quality will diminish fairly rapidly from now on while costs will plunge far quicker. I'm saying that a high performance camera will appear from Sony over the longer term just because of progress.You can buy a DVD player for less than ᆪ30 nowadays, sure the quality is low but the function is the same. Sony may not make a top end camera now because there really isn't a huge market for it at high prices but the core technology of image sensors is the main cost in DSLRs now, to maintain a high price quality of the whole camera must go up to persuade people to part with their cash. Sure don't expect an incredibly high spec model just be happy that the 7D won't be the pinnacle of A mount lens DSLR's
  7. What we all really need now is some quick and definitive news from Sony to say they're really commited to supporting Minolta users. If they don't they'll lose that core base of users they hoped to capture. What a crappy day.
  8. Fortunately I have a day off from my easy 9 til 3 job as a consultant at the multi-million pound chocolate fireguard company i founded and whilst my beautiful ex-model wife looks for some apples to bake me my favourite apple pie I, too am able to purchase this camera.
  9. Perhaps Sony too will withdraw from producing many of their goods since its the Playstaion 1 + 2 that have kept them in profit. Oh no, not every corporate strategy revolves around shrinking their coverage to core profitable markets.To do so exposes them to downturn or loss of market share in a specialised area, the all the eggs in one basket syndrome, plus it means their brand becomes less and less visible.

    Of course you could be right Clinton perhaps Sony and Minolta announced a link up 'for a laugh' and have no long term business strategy, or perhaps you are right that minolta are sellling their expertise to Sony so Sony can become a brand leader in photography since of course the average jo on the street thinks copiers when you say the name Minolta. As usual, Im sure your inside knowledge of world coporate strategy, and stunning expertise in Minolta will mean nobody will be able to have a conversation about Minolta and what they would like in the future.


    Anyway for me its a full frame sensor on a minolta mount body, clear, sharp viewfinder, fast autofocus and 50-1600 iso. Actually the sensor on the new Sony would do me nicely in a Minolta body, I find the crop factor on my 7D a real bind.As it says in an earlier thread, this is more or less what the Minolta poll is asking at the moment so you could fill that out too !

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