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Posts posted by knut_schwinzer

  1. <p>Billy, in my case the three modes are clearly displayed in the EVF / back LCD, but with "eye sensor" activated, it never switches to the back LCD after clearing the back of the camera. I sent it in, and they did repair it under warranty. It did work for three or for months, now the same defect occured again. <br>

    I got used to, but will probably send it in again. Nobody else with this problem?</p>

  2. <p>You have any hint how it was stored?<br>

    If it was in controlled conditions, never above say 25ºC, I'd bet it would be up and running right away.<br>

    Cotton gloves recommended.<br>

    You could always sell it "Mint, no film inserted ever"<br>

    Once I had exactly this edition, like new, from Westlicht in the early 90s,<br>

    it was an auction system with first, second and third choice at a given price,<br>

    if I remember right. It was not my first choice.<br>

    I remember it was very sturdy and still before breakin' in, had the quality feel of an item which was assembled especially carefully and so on, velvet gloves demanding,<br>

    but at that time I was sold on black bodies, and I passed it on.<br>

    BTW Is this factory seal really that foolproof? Isn't it only a plastic bag without any special branding? Could have a factory puncture or whatever, like an old condom...<br>

    Who cares of this detail, if it is really mint? Goatskin gloves?<br>

    Touch her! <br>



  3. <p>Mukul, if I recall it right, "(simply) masking the 28 and 75mm frames won't do" is rightaway impossible, because the three different masks make a diagonal shift to achieve the framelines, it's more complex than one imagines; I wanted this to be done time ago for my classic M6 0.85 and my very reputable repairman said it can only be done with a new set of masks from Leica at $$$ if available at all. Anyways, the M6 masks are certainly tighter than in previous Ms (like 1m FOV vs 3m FOV), but I can live with that. Hope that helps.<br>

    Best, <br>



  4. <p>Could be a flake of paint?! Try slapping it gently into your palm in off center direction of the debris, anyways, if it does or doesn't disappear to the extraradio of the lens, CLA would be a good idea for the enthusiast. OTOH, if it sticks there, it shouldn't affect your pics at all, only resale value. Many good pics have been taken with "dirty" lenses, inside and/or outside. Did you ever shine a flashlight through your fav lens?! Be in for a nasty surprise! This is mostly done by salesmen who want to have a bargain on your trade-in, it hardly ever counts in real world photography. After all, a lens like yours may have been moved in and out literally +two miles+ or more in the last 60 years, so don't worry, it will outlive you with outstanding PQ as-is. If you will review the first pics, keep in mind that it isn't very flare resistant per se even without your private UFO.<br>

    Best, Knut</p>

  5. <p>Craig, I know, the original Lux can flare badly (Had three copies of that one),<br>

    but the haze in the upper left is just marvelous, gives depht to the pic,<br>

    no matter if the rain or the lens itself created it. The "wet print" was an intentional pun;)<br>



  6. <p>Unlike many other cameras, in Leicas with the M4/M6 style rewind, the rewind knob is very freewheelin' and the slack reappears as you wear the camera with a strap against your body.<br>

    Retight the film with the rewind knob gently in arrow direction before winding, than you should be able to watch it turning.</p>

  7. <p>Well, nice pictures, but to call this a review?! Don't want to spoil your party, but who needs this "information"? (cited from the 15mm Zeiss "test"):<br>

    Super Integrated / Super Spectra Coating: No</p>

    <p id="yui_3_10_1_1_1397049763465_17090"><em id="yui_3_10_1_1_1397049763465_17089"><strong>Focus Information</strong></em><br>

    Focus: Manual Focus<br>

    Built-in Focus Motor: No<br>

    Silent Wave / Ultrasonic Motor: No<br>

    Internal Focusing: No<br>

    Rear Focusing: No<br>

    Minimum Focus Distance: 0.30m<br>

    Distance Information: Yes<br>

    <em><strong>Filter Information</strong></em><br>

    Filter Size: 72mm<br>

    Accepts Filter Type: Screw-on</p>

    <p id="yui_3_10_1_1_1397049763465_16669"><em id="yui_3_10_1_1_1397049763465_16668"><strong>Physical Characteristics</strong></em><br>

    Weather / Dust Sealing: Yes<br>

    Mount Material: Metal<br>

    Tripod Collar: No<br>

    Dimensions: 78 x 92mm<br>

    Weight: 550g<br>

    <em><strong>Other Information</strong></em><br>

    Available in Colors: Black<br>

    Lens material used: Glass<br>

    Useful for: Photography<br>

    Lens body shape: cylindric</p>

    <p>Boy, I'm impressed!<br>

    Sorry, last three infos just added by myself;)<br>

    My favorite information is "Distance information: Yes"<br>

    Whatsoever, I doubt the weather/dust sealing information. That *might* apply only to the ZE version of this lens.</p>

    <p>Stay informed, buddies!</p>

  8. <p>Hi again all and thanks for your help, but it is really not about me not knowing the buttons.<br>

    When I go through the "view mode" options, there is everything, I get the "eye sensor" mode confirmation in the EVF, but the back LCD will never switch on. Otherwise, in the back LCD mode, the back LCD works as it should. </p>

    <p>No, no black tape on the two tiny IR windows, neither. Not even a fingerprint.</p>

    <p>Think I have to send it in.</p>

    <p>Have a good day, best wishes,</p>


  9. <p>Hi everybody,<br>

    this is my first post at this forum, I've been more active on Leica and RF forum here in p.net before.<br>

    I ggld this problem, but without any result, so here is my question:</p>

    <p>This camera delivers great pictures, WB, high ISO, love it. But now, after two month,<br>

    my X-pro 1 eye sensor is not working anymore, in this mode the camera is only displaying the EVF,<br>

    not the rear LCD when everything is cleared from the IR sensor at the side of the VF.<br>

    Anybody heard/experienced that?</p>


    <p>Albeit using the camera in MF and M mode with the original Fuji M adapter and a Canon RF 50mm f1.4, shutter lag was way too long shooting a singer in a concert. Always got the "next" expression, which was not necessarily bad, but unintended and very annoying. Shooting three times as much pics I would have done with my M8; though the M8 would have been unusable because I had to shoot colour at ISO 1600 and f1.4 at 1/125.<br>

    Is this the trade off? Is the shutter lag of the Fuji that serious, or do I maybe have a mayor bug indicated by the eye sensor malfunction?<br>

    PD: Yes, I did reset the camera and took out the battery, nothing changed.<br>

    Yes, I contacted the Fuji"Elite" warranty service here in Spain via email 30 hours ago, but no reply so far.<br>

    Well then, it was Friday afternoon...</p>

    <p>Thanks for reading,<br>

    won't be back before 24 hours!</p>




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