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Status Updates posted by hjoseph7

  1. Thank you for your support ...

    1. kellyrae


      My pleasure, Joseph. Keep going with the beautifully, sincere work!

  2. Another senior moment, this was supposed to be in the Macro section. Are there any modertors able to move it there ? thanks

  3. Do we really need to know when a message was edited ? So what ? People make mistakes and there are plenty of typos along the way.  Are we being audited by some government agency that needs to keep track of edits ?

    1. Sandy Vongries

      Sandy Vongries

      This is a feature on some sites that use this platform, not on others, so apparently it can be turned off.  The intent, I think, is to stop people from changing their previous posts invisibly in arguments.  Mixed feelings about it, something to be said on each side of the issue.

  4. Is it possible that you can start a thread from the top instead of from the bottom on the Forum ? To explain: lets say I click on the Black & White forum and I click on a thread with the title "Where is my T-max ?", or something like that. What is happening now is that I am sent to the bottom of the thread, which means I have to scroll all the way back up to the top to find out who originally started the thread and what was his/her reason for starting the thread.   

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