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Posts posted by orensztajn

  1. Well I have tried both. I usually borrow a D70 from our photoclub at work and I tried the 350D.

    While the viewfinder and the body is better in the D70 for the same price you get a 8MP from Canon and not a bad camera att all, I think I will go for the Canon, it seems more easy to travel with, I am thinking too in buying one 350D.

    The D70 is heavy and big you will find this irritate at some point (as I do).

  2. Hi

    I do not know if this is the right forum but I try here.


    I want to do a portfolio (photo and papper, not in PC) and I wonder

    how it is done, I mean what format the photos should be, it is A4 ok?

    or maybe 10x15 (cm), I do not have anny idea.

    I do not have so manny goods photos either but I just asking because

    in a near future I would like to do a portfolio with my best photos

    (if somenday I have some).

    Do you send yor pictures to a labb for develop? It is somenthing that

    I should do in a printing house, or?


    I try to find in PN about this but nothing, is there any good site

    that explains how to do tihs?


    Thank you very much for the help!

  3. I think you talk about pictures, I do not know if the operating system of your camera allows this. You have to have the encryption SW embedded in you operating system and I do not see how this can be done in a camera. May be in your PC with the card reader this could work.
  4. RAW; do not forget that if you use jpeg the camera will do the compression (RAW to jpeg) for you, you can do this better in your computer with the delivered SW, if it is a good one.

    Raw IS THE "DIGITAL NEGATIVE" so you take the whole catched value (light into the sensor)from the camera sensor into your file, of course some sample before that.

    I would shot RAW.

  5. I using PS and when seaving with layers files get bigger. PS (or CS) is saving all information from all layers in a own file extension called PSD.

    If you wanna save space you may be can think of doing a copy of your original work on it flatt the image (you will loose the layers here) and then savibg the image as jpeg.

    It is only one solution if you do not wanna have MB of files, but sure there are other solutions too. I am not an expert in CS or PS but i use PS pretty much nad still learning.


  6. I propose an idea before but I never got answer, why not force people to put a comment when rating from 3 and bellow?

    Then either they rate bad and comment or do not. They can still be anonymous but at least we will get our 1 and 2 but commented or?

  7. Hi All

    Because all the problems with rates (I see people complains often

    about them) why not opening a Comment Recent queue? (It is only an

    idea so do not throw me stones).

    The window comment in RR is not so widely used, I do not get

    constructive comments there, the average of constructive

    comments/photo is very low in RR so why not a CR (Comment Recent)


    Here we could post one photo (or two for example) to just to get it

    commented, no need for rates here just for learn. The only way I

    could learn is by commenting photos and getting my photos commented.

    If a photo does not get commented then goes down in the queue until

    it stops showing up. People coming here will know that they have to

    comment and nothing else, it could also be per category.

    I mean, this is only an idea that could be worth to try to get an

    alternative to the RR queue. What do you think? (Sorry for my

    English) Thanks for reading

    (I put a post before but I explain myself wrong, this one is the

    right one, I hope...)

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