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Image Comments posted by mark_starr

  1. What a great image - the thought clouds, (real clouds!) and the expression on the dog's face are just perfect! Ir really looks as though the dog is straining to have a thought, but can't quite come up with one. The exagerated colors and cartoonish handling of the entire image really compounds the humor and fun of it. Nicely done, and thanks for sharing!


    high key


    I find this image to be quite effective, as the eyes of the child seem capable of piercing the viewer through and through, and add to that the wistful expression of the model and you have an image that is more than memorable. It has a penciled look to it, and the reduction of detail makes what this image does even more interesting, as it stands without the detail we normally expect is required to make a powerful image. I always feel that an image that can evoke emotions such as this one does is a success, as I have made many images with lots of detail that are as flat as pancakes! Thanks for sharing-



    Québec festival


    Now heres something you don't see every day. The high contrast image, not only in tonal range, but also in the range of what we expect to see here, work well together, especially in conjunction with the Slush Puppy sign to the left. Perhaps these alien figures are just as intriged with the idea of a dog that loves frozen drinks served with a straw, leading them to look in on the store to learn more about this unusual thing. The simple lighting and shading of the image reduces the scene to just what is necessary - three figures all presenting the viewer with something unusual, except for the fact we normally wouldn't think twice about a dog selling drinks... A great image, taken at just the right moment, and very well handled- thanks for sharing!




    A very nice image, with wonderful texture throughout. The simple shape of the pear, with it's rather lumpy curves is accentuated by the projected lines from the blinds on the window. The lines cut through the pear at key points, the top and bottom of the stem, the curves of the pear where it changes direction from positive to negative, and the large final shadow of the fruit itself, sriking a bold line for the viewer's eye to follow right off the right edge of the image. The shadow's of the blinds further induce our eyes to leave the image with their strong diagonal path to the corner. The curvalinear nature of the fruit is further carried out in the path of the shadow of the pear itself as it meanders over the paper it seems to be sitting upon, and the lines on the lower half of the pear are wonderful. The use of subtle tones, simple light/shadow, curves vs lines and texture combine to make this a very memorable image - seemingly very simple, but very well thought out to make it so. Great job- thanks for sharing it with us!


  2. There are, of course, many street shots of the homeless and those down and out, but this one stands out from the typical in many ways, which may cause the viewer to stop and consider the image a little longer. The high vantage point gives us the luxury of looking in on the scene without directly confronting the subjects, but the slight angle to the image's center keeps us from becoming complacent - it keeps us on the edge a bit. The motion around the seated figures is what really defines the difference between those who have and those who don't. Prosperity is motion. A sense of purpose swirls around, and doesn't even seem to notice the solid center of the image. But the center exists, nonetheless, and as inconvenient as that may be. There they sit, without the purpose that seems to drive everyone around them. They will not rush off to their possessions, as all they own is right there with them. The day may be spent seeing others not seeing them, despite the fact that the one true bit of color is the invisible woman with the red coat waiting out the day. Ironic that she can be so alone in one of the busiest places in the town. Very well done, and thanks for sharing-





    Another wonderful street shot. I would not have been bold enough to frame the image in this way, and I would have missed the shot. The wide spaces left by filling the center third of the image with the two boys gives a balance to the image that a tight vertical shot would be lacking, given the height difference in the boys themselves. By not choosing the obvious (or what I would think) you have given plenty of spce around the boys to let our imaginations work. The vertical columns on the walls behind the boys helps to contain and center them , and the slight arc at the bottom of the image, with the subjects at its apex, further focuses our attention. Both boys, pointing vaguely at the camera, have direct gazes that don't hesitate, giving them a sense of confidence, and the rich tone used in the image really sets the feeling for the viewer. Great stuff, and thanks again for sharing-


    light an shadow


    A very mysterious image, whose main subject, of course, lends itself to mystery. The cat's head, which rounds out the left side of the image starting with the curve of the top of the head down to the brow, where it drops along the curve of the nose to the chin, eventually exiting diagonally out the lower corner with the whiskers, is partially mirrored in the vague background, where the lighter blue light curves along the indefinite shapes in the distance. The blue of night, where of course the cat excels as a hunter, contrasts wonderfully with the grays and creams of the cat?s face. The bright yellow and the sharp focus of the eye locks in the viewer?s attention, and the shaded portion of the eye keeps us from knowing exactly at what the cat is so intently staring. The undefined images in the background, perhaps leaves, add further to the mystery. The image presents the viewer with the essence of what it is to be a cat, without showing much more than a tiny part of it, and without resorting to cuteness. Of course if this were my cat, it would be asleep? Very nice image, very well handled- thanks for sharing-





    This wonderful street image, with the face of the main subject disguised by his tilted hat, brings the viewer immediately into a specific time and place within our imagination. There are two primary tones of the image, the creamy off-white of the wall, the street tiles, the hat and the keyboard, and the browns of the man's clothing, the instrument body and his pack on the ground to the right. The lighter tones unify the image, bringing the man and his surroundings together, and the darker tones lead the eye of the viewer to the center of interest. The lighter tones do not distract or call attention away from the subject, and the bowl placed in front for coins tries to blend into the surroundings, almost as an afterthought. The man remains anonymous with his head bowed, giving a more universal feeling to the image- something we have all seen somewhere, someplace. The very clean presentation of the image, with only the musician to look at, helps us imagine that the music he produces is as clean and as sharp as his surroundings. Crouched on the balls of his feet, his pack bundled and ready to go at his side, we get the feeling that this performance won?t last long, and soon he will be gone, leaving nothing but a memory. The photograph beautifully captures this fleeting moment, and thanks to you we can all enjoy it! Excellent image, and it further increases the beauty of your portfolio of street images-



    on the road again


    The clipped tonal range perfectly suits the image - almost nothing but black and white, and just a hint of grey to move the eye down the serpentine roadway. The pure blackness on either side of the street makes the surface of the road seem to float in space, and the bright white of the stripes locks the viewer on the journey down the centerline. Very effective bits of grey on the road at the first and second curve keep the viewer's eyes traveling. Slightly unnerving travel down the road, but down the road the viewer must go. The image gets by with the minimal, but perfect amount of light delivered at the right time and place. Very well done, and always interesting when such a minimalist image catches and keeps our attention- thanks for sharing! (And by the way, a great portfolio you have)




    This image depends on it's grainy nature and soft, rounded use of light throughout to convey feelings to the viewer. The subject, a little girl whose emotions are clearly showing, almost marches out of the frame, trailed by geometric objects behind her. The objects, so wonderfully smooth and softly toned, act as a foil to the contorted face of the unhappy child, and lead the eyes of the viewer to the subject. The soft focus on the child, as well as the limited depth of field for the rest of the image, further enhance the viewer's impressions of what the child must be going through. Anyone who has delt with a child of this age knows that these emotions can pass in a moment, and that what causes them is often fuzzy in our minds, and this is brought out in the softness of the photo. There is a wonderful balance of tones to further enhance this feeling, with light behind the child, and darkness begining to engulf her as you move to the right side of the image. If you have faced children in this mood, you will know that this is a great portrayal of those moments. Very nicely done, and I think the most effective image in the series you have posted in your portfolio - thanks for sharing, and keep up the good work!


    F a y e


    This is a very charming image, and I am always encouraged to see this type of portrait on a site that generally features women made with ivory or plastic or whatever it is they use for glamour these days. This portrait does what a portrait should do - it makes complete strangers care about the person within the image, and stays within the viewer's consciousness long after it has been viewed. The model?s eyes and her wonderful smile grab our attention, as her happiness is so genuine. The curve of her fingers seems slightly self-conscious, which when countered with the complete lack of it in her expression only makes the image all the more appealing. Her freckles, the stud below her lip, and her earrings all bring the face to life, and the wonderful tones of both her hand and the oval of her face are beautifully framed by the darkened background and her clothing. Great portrait, great smile, great tones, well done, and thanks for sharing it with us. Your model should be very pleased-



  3. The wonderful atmosphere and colors present in this image give it an old-world painterly quality perfectly suited to the subject matter. The rich texture of and colors of the table beneath the apples further enhance this feel, at first giving the impression of a tapestry beneath. The depth of field allows the eye to meander around the image with comfort, and the line of the table's right edge draws the eye back to the vertical stripes of light leading up the wall to the top right corner, further enhancing movement throughout the image. Gives me the feel of a wonderfully quiet Sunday morning. Great image through it's use of tones, colors, textures and composition- thanks for sharing it with us!




    Photos of kittens often have the tendency to rely on the cuteness of the animal to carry the photo more than they should, and it is always refreshing to see an image containing an animal like this that doesn't. This kitten, while certaily adorable about the face, has a slightly scruffier look about it's body, with the fur standing up on the back of it's head and it's back, as if it is slightly wet and suffering from a bad fur day. Standing in a pot where even the plant seems a bit down on it's luck, surrounded by old cans and empty plastic containers, in an area where only a little sunshine seems to strike, this is evidently not a Martha Stewart cat. And yet the cat is, like all felines, attentive to something out of view of the camera, full of the essential spark that seems to define all cats, regardless of their situation in life. The crossing diagonal of the cat and the light shaft with it's shadow draw the viewer's eye to the center of attention, and the atmosphere surrounding the cat makes this an image very familiar to the viewer -irrepressable life. Great job, great image, and thanks for sharing!




    A great concept- the still life with live life! The dogs seem to know what they are doing in the photo, right down to finishing out the diagonal started by the chair, the jacket, the gun and the boots. The wonderful tones carry throughout the image, with the warm brown tones of each dog's heads matched by the warmth of the leather and wood of the chair and the gunstock. The way the light falls on the still life part of the photo and fades out behind the dogs to a rich, deep, background color subtly reinforces the diagonal, keeping the viewer's focus where it should be. Nicely executed composition, tremendous use of color and light, and two dogs who really know what they are doing (One Model Place I assume?) Thanks for sharing, and give the dogs a pat on the head for me-


    Feeding the Pigs 2


    The three little pigs, marching along the diagonal of the fence line, almost ignoring the supplicant's arms reaching through the fence! Not being able to see the children's faces makes this image universal - how often have we reached out to touch animals ourselves only to have them turn away, and how many times have we see children longing to reach what is just beyond. The geometry of the image further reinforces this feeling. Everything marches from the bottom right corner to the upper left, with only the opposing diagonal of the children't arms inturrupting it, and alas, their diagonal stops far short of meeting it's goal. Great handling of the BW image thanks for sharing!




    The strong diagonals in the photo oprganize the image well for the viewer, making a dynamic scene out of a very simple looking still life. The tones of the wrenches and the steel rule, as well as the rusted, curved surface they sit upon, perfectly enhance the feeling of the viewer regarding the nature of the hard steel objects upon which they are looking. The sharp gradations of the steel rule in the center, as well as the sharpness of the wrench's endpoints draw the eye to the center of interest, located roughly in line with the rule of thirds. The shiney spot on the open end-wrench also helps to keep the attention where desired. The use of a shallow depth of field accomplishes all of this, whereas a fully focused image would have tended to draw the eye away from the most important elements. The lighting subtley draws the viewer to the same spot, and drops off gradually to the edges to add yet another refinement to the image. All of the elements that make this image work so well are so very carefully done, so as to go almost without notice. It is wonderful how such an image handled so well can transfix the viewer, where other photos of the same 3 things might come off as snap-shots. Great job all the way around, and thanks for sharing it with us!




    This wonderful image is, in many ways, indistinguishable from the painted portraits of a century ago. The gorgeous atmospheric feel captured in the photograph perfectly suits the expression and mood of the model. The deep and richly colored background and the jet of her hair provide the perfect frame for the oval of the models face, adding to the luminosity of her skin, the redness in her lips, and the deepness of her eyes. The beautifully impenetrable eyes transfix viewers, and force them to think about the child. Why such an intense stare, what is she thinking? This is a portrait that will stand looking at for hours on end, and can hang on the wall without becoming old for a very, very long time. This is the type of portrait that makes most others look like snapshots, and sends all of us back to our cameras with the hope that some day we can make an image as good as this. Thanks for sharing this, and I hope to see more of your work-



    Three cats


    WOnderful photo- such a great expression on her face, and the BW handling is superb - very hard to due in such bright lighting with such a bright background, not to mention the two cats- thanks for sharing-


  4. Very neat image- I love the way the model blends into the space, not just with bush behind her head, but the way her shoulder and arm continue the sweep of the sand path leading to the ocean. The overall effect, at least for me, is to give a feeling of tension between the woman and the sea behind her, as if she is hiding from it or afraid of it. The relative darkness of the left side of the photo, with the additional angst generated by the model's expression, stands at odds with the predominantly lighter right side of the image. This heightens the tension of the image. It seems to me that she is the antithesis of Botticelli's "The Birth of Venus" or woman on a half-shell, where Venus rides in light out of the sea. The models face reminds me of the Venus in the painting, but as the darker half. The color and tones of the image perfectly suit the feelings I have when looking at the photo. All in all, a very intriguing and effective image!




    You have such a wondrful feeling in all of your photos, and this one captures it as well as the others in your portfolio. It makes the viewer feel as though they have been there a hundred times - very comfortable and tranquil, and just right for the end of a hectic day- thanks for sharing!


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