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Image Comments posted by mark_starr



    photo, but a very effective image nonetheless! Her eyes are wonderful, and the highlight in her left eye really makes this image work. Funny how the correct arrangement of black and white and a few shades of grey on a flat screen or on a piece of paper can prove spellbinding. Great shot, and thanks for sharing it!


    Gone Fishin' I


    I think it is a wonderful shot, and the hat facing backwards on the boy's head just reeks of attitude - it really makes the shot. The compositon is well done, with the long diaganol of the pole, the great curve of the bank he is standing on, and the dark vertical of the boy himself. I would agree with the poster above about the person or thing at the top of the curve of the bank, and I would be tempted to remove it, but that is just an opinion. The image is really great, and I love the way the water is lit around the curve and into the distance, as well as the backlight on the boy. All the way around, a really nice shot. Thanks for sharing it with us!


    Dreamy Prom


    feel to this image, and a real sense of joy is captured. Nicely done, with no criticism other than to say if you show it to others show them one without your studio name in the corner, as it really draws the eye away from the center of attention. Great job, and thanks for sharing!




    this image and the others in the series in your portfolio. A week or so ago, for a juried art show I entered, I decided to do a similar thing and had my wife drive the car while I shot out the window. I was surprised by the number of images that turned out fairly well (well enough to get into the show, at any rate) It does stop and make you think about what it is to create an image. I think that often, on this site, technical ability is rated far above the actual value of any given image. I have seen many photos on this site that are, technically, terrible images, but are some of the most powerful images posted. This image that you have created, as simple as it seems, has some real stopping power. A simple hillside, but it is something that we all can relate to, it is something we have all experienced and find comforting because of its universality. We may have seen it driving at dusk on the way home from work, thinking about a hundred other things and have had it but barely register in our concousness, or we may have pulled over on a mountain road as the sun began to set simply to enjoy the moment. Because of the treatment you have given it, it stands out from a thousand mountain shots with spectacular detail that make nice postcards, but affect the viewer for only a second or two. To make an end to this rambling post, what I mean to say is great job with the series, keep it up, and I personally look forward to what you will do next!




    Nothing to critique here! What a wonderful image! Great job all the way around! What great atmosphere you have created! Thanks for sharing-


    Dania III


    Great portrait- another wonderful addition to your collection. Tremendous use of black and white, and beautiful expression- thanks for sharing-


    Wide Awake


    Really well done- I love the very shallow dof, and the crop is really great. Very nice handling of the black and white, and her eys are quite stunning- very nicely done!




    How stunning such a simple image can be! How many emotions two hands can bring out in a viewer! Often the hand is as telling as a face, and in this case, much more so, with such a tiny hand reaching out for comfort and help. All of what it is to be human can be seen in this tiny hand in yours. I hope that your daughter is growing rapidly and well out of the nicu and that you will find nothing but joy in holding her hand throughout her life. Thanks for sharing-




    You have captured the essence of cat - a sunny day, something tall to sleep on, and one eye opened for opportunity.. Nice tones, and I love the lean to the stool, as if it is just a bit tired of carrying this cat all the time.

    Thanks for sharing this!




    Now this is what a portrait should be- you have captured the moment and the two people so well that viewers that don't even know them will find the image worth contmeplating for a long time. Very, very nicely done - thanks for sharing it with us!


    Turtle Vision


    image- the graphic nature of it really adds a lot to this photo. Perfect compostion- you really have captured this animal well- thanks for sharing!


    Reflecting time


    Novice or not, its a very nice image, and although at the moment you only have one other image in your portfolio, they are both great! Keep up the good work, and keep on posting!


  1. The use of the hair cascading around her face to frame your subject with darkness is wonderful, and her intent look (at a book, I would assume?) is very nice. I like the strength of the glasses as a graphic element, although nothing about your fiance in this photo would lead us to believe she is a maniac! Very nice image, and thanks for sharing!




    The strong v of the composition, starting with the model's hand on the left and leading up through the hat brim and then down along her cheek and neck to the bottom right corner add a real dynamic to the image. This same path is accentuated by the light tones of her hand and face, with her hair framing it both above and below. The v of the composition leads the viewer's sight right to the focal point- the model's stunning eyes. Like the other images in your portfolio, the use of black and white here gives the image a timeless feel and shows that it can stand on its own without color to distract us. Lovely job all the way around, and thanks for sharing!


    Jack Pines


    addition to your great portfolio! Lovely colors and tones leading all the way back to the light at the end of the tunnel. I have always admired good nature shots, especially since I couldn't take one to save my life. Looking at yours will inspire me to try again - thanks for sharing!




    great portrait! The expresson is wonderful, and the hair styling just can't be beat! The beautiful dark eyes with their catchlights and the play of darks and lights really capture the fleeting moment perfectly. Very nicely done - thanks for sharing!




    What a great image, and I love your handling of it. What a wonderful pastoral scene- you have really made the most of it, with the way your eye is lead by the diagonals down to the water in the distance. The colors are fantastic, and the scene is something that can be enjoyed for hours. Best of all, it lead me to your site and all of the other great work you have posted. You are now on my favorites list- thanks for sharing!


  2. I think this photo works very well in many ways. It has a very dynamic feel to it, due to its tight crop top to bottom, the evident joy in the model's face, and the motion of her extending arm. The vertical nature of the crop is further emphasized by the vertical streaks of her wonderful hair and through the extension of her arm, along with the shadow of her arm on her torso. The stark use of high contrast limits the viewer's response to only what is important - the subject of the photo, with no other distractions to draw our eyes. The expression on the woman's face is tremendous, and really has an impact on the viewer, making this a wonderful image. A great addition to your "Faces" project - I look forward to seeing additional people in the future- thanks for sharing!


    Fish Lips


    that these important poses are so beautifully captured! Before you know it, the kid doing fish-lips is off to college, and the opportunity is gone. Great shot, and of course, timeless in black and white!


    on the floor...


    Great photo - wonderful expression, angle, color, depth of field, composition and concept! The only thing I have to add is I wish I had taken it! Very, very nice-thanks for sharing-


    Baby steps


    The dog is just the right type for this image- as bright and as exagerated as the colors! Very funny stuff, and every component of the image works to get the maximum effect- what a hoot!


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