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Image Comments posted by mark_starr



    Great job seperating the subject and giving him a real sense of isolation - very well done, and thanks for sharing!




    Keep on doing what you are doing! What a lovely portfolio - so understated and unpretentious, and wonderful- I can't wait to see more of your work in the future-


    A young writer


    Like the other portraits in your portfolio, this is wonderful in all ways. Although I think I like the shot with him looking over his glasses the best, this is a great image as well, and you have really captured a lot of personality in the imag. On a side note, I also really love your still life images -thanks for sharing-


  1. This is a wonderful portrait of a very lovely young lady. The pose, the eyes, the expression, the tones, the composition, etc... - it just doesn't get any better than this. A 7/7 for sure in my book, and the type of photo that makes me jealous I didn't take it! Thanks for sharing it - it's really a tremedous image-


  2. charming portrait. You have captured her slight embarrasment perhaps at drawing some unwanted attention to herself. It is so genuine, with you capturing her putting her hand up to her mouth. The slight diagonal of the tilt of her head, the angle of her hair and her hand keep the viewer's gaze traveling up to her eyes, and the blured background helps to further frame her face. Very nice, and one I am sure you will enjoy for a long time! Thanks for sharing!




    What a great portrait- the choice of lens and angle for the photo are wonderful, really emphasizing both her size (small) and her curiosity (large!) Also a great job with the bw. Really very nice all the way around!




    I found your image just as it was the last one on the page- glad I did, as it is a lovely portrait, and it led me to the other wonderful portraits in your portfolio. Very nicely done, and another great addition to a wonderful collection!


  3. Beautiful shot, and after looking at the rest of your portfolio, I see this type of perfect shot is just common for you- all of them on your site are quite exceptional on their own, but together they are really impressive! Glad I saw them, and thanks for sharing!

    Sun Brew


    This is a very beautiful image - great colors and tones throughout, and a wonderful composition. I am glad I saw it, as it led me back to your portfolio of other really great images! Very nicely done-




    portrait! I might be tempted to remove the light behind his ear, or at least dull the brightest spot to keep the focus on his eyes, but either way, it is a great shot!


    Ethan 4


    This is a wonderful portrait- perfect in every way, and another great addition to the rest of your portfolio- excellent!


    Vast Ocean


    It almost has a surrealistic feel to it (if the hills and trees in the distance were turned into beaches it would seem as though the beach went on to infinity) with the ominous clouds at obvious odds with the two lovely children holding hands on the beach. The reflections are marvelous, and the tonal range of the lower half limited to the midtones except for the children is really very striking. This is really wonderful, and thanks for sharing it!


  4. wood nymphs have off days, and although this appears to be one for this young girl, the photographer obviously had an "on" day! This is a very sweet image, and one that will be enjoyed for many, many years. Great job, and thanks for sharing it!


    The Godfather


    the intricate geometry of this car. I love the abstact nature of the image, and the highlights that line the edges of the curves are wonderful. The slightly grainy nature of the image also lends itself very well to the subject matter. Very nicely done all the way around! Thanks for sharing!





    No critique possible - its beautiful in every respect- a really very fine image. This is the type of photo that makes me very jealous- I wish I had taken it! THe other shots you have are equally well done- thanks for sharing them!


    .....what dog....


    been said, but this is such a great image that I had to congratulate you anyways! Very sweet shot, and I think this crop may work better than a large fence shot, as we know how small the child is, and her world is shrunk down to her size at the moment (as it often is with children- it pretty much is just what is right around them at the moment!) This gives the viewer a real sense of immediacy, and we wonder what it is that is so interesting to her at the moment. Everything needed is containd within this tight crop, and I think it is better that we adults get down there with her to see the excitement! Really very lovely, and the bw is the perfect thing for this timeless image. Thanks for sharing it with us, as it really makes the end of this day pleasant!




    Very nice all the way around - tremendous color, sense of motion, and perfect composition for the subject. A wonderful capture of what it is to be young today, complete with the gadgets hanging on her belt! Very nicely done-


    Triste andar


    The intense light adds poignancy to the image of a man who may not be able to appreciate it. A very dignified portrait of the man, and another great addition to your wonderful portraits in your portfolio. Thanks for sharing-


    Trusted Comfort


    you double-mat it and frame it and hang it in your home, as it is a lovely portrait and a wonderful photo! Very nicely done, and an image that you will enjoy for a very long time. Thanks for sharing it wiht us!


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