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Posts posted by somak_ray

  1. <p>Hi,<br>

    Generally all filters reduce light but to different extents. A polarizer also happens to reduce light(1.5 to 2 stops) apart from polarizing light and thus increasing color saturation. But reducing light is not the main purpose of polarizers. Whereas the neutral density filters are made for reducing light and thus allowing you to use slow shutter speeds (long exposure) and to take photos of waterfalls etc. A neutral density filter also allows you take photos when the scene is extremely bright, say the flame of a acetylene torch or like.<br>

    In some cases the polarizer may serve the same purpose of a ND filter by virtue of its light reducing property, but not always it can replace a ND filter.</p>

    <p>p.S: a long exposure using a ND can be used to make people or moving objects 'vanish' from the scenes they are unwanted in, something a polarizer can't do.</p>

  2. For 35 mm film typically i shoot at 100 ISO and generally use tripod if shutter speed indicates 1/100 sec or slower and below 1/60s I ALWAYS use tripod. I've used sometimes 1/60s handheld well braced against a solid support and holding breath and for snapshots, but not when I wished to have a 'keepr' photo.


    For 6x6 rolleicord I ALWAYS use tripod, though I've got good results even at 1/30 s handheld, but I use MF as 'keeper' shots, so why to take chances...


    For 35 mm swing lens panoramic I generally always use tripod , but then the main purpose is to keep the camera level.

  3. Though MF format films are still made their availability, particular at the time of your need may be somehow unpredictable. This however strongly depends on which part of the world you are in. In Germany and in US thats not a problem but cost has been definitely gone up and significantly in the last 6 years or so. I would suggest stockpiling you'r favourite films in a freezer if you're a low volume shooter like me. Possibly most non-pro users shoot less frames in a MF than one do in 35mm. Its because of small no. of shots/per roll , time required to reload and the cost. In turn that perfects your eye for composition and exposure. It's a great positive transition you'll feel after seeing the quality of even a 645.


    For those who are from India:

    The city of Calcutta, India, where I was born the supply of MF films is really in a sad state.No velvia or Provia, only Fuji ACROS and some generic NOVA, if you're lucky you may get some Reala. Seems that people are no longer interested in MF, something I regret for the city which still runs one of the oldest photo studio/business in the world estd. in 1860s. No wonder I see w2s advts. for Pentax 67, Hasselblad CM/CW and Linhof technika at dirt cheap rate. I was offered a very good P 67 with 55 and 90 mm plus wooden grip for around US$350


    The silver line is BnH has a liasion office in Pune and one can procure from them:


  4. I've recently got two square Graduated ND Filters G1 and G2 made by Cromofilter of France. The problem is it

    can't be fitted

    to either Cokin A mount (the filter is bigger) or P mount (filter is slightly smaller). Is there any dedicated

    mount for these type of filters? Otherwise I think I'll fix to the Cokin P ring with the help of small pieces of

    low-tac gum.<div>00QrwF-71281684.thumb.jpg.4291371438f34528c8089dc661fff9a6.jpg</div>

  5. I use a nikon F5 for my macro photography.

    The weight distribution is roughly as follows:


    F5: 1200 gm.

    8Xaa battery (25gmx8): 200 gm

    105 mm lens: 515 gm

    Extension tubes: 150 gm

    _______________________ _____

    2065 gm

    Ball head 322RC2: 635 gm


    Total: 2700 gm


    For low level/close to ground macro photography,will a Giottos QU 500B Mini Tabletop Tripod will suffice?




    It's advertised maximum load capacity is 11 pounds (5Kg).

    My budget is around $50 and I think not many other options are available at this budget.


    Will a Bogen super clamp will do? I use an old Linhof tripod, and I think it can be attached along its center column.


    What about old Leica folding table top tripods?

  6. I've got an offer for a lightly used Pentax-67 ( NO Mirror Lockup NO metered

    pentaprism) along with two lenses, 55mm and 105 mm. for US $500.


    The camera was used by an amateur and I've been told that the two lenses are in

    pristine condition.


    I will personally check the items sometime next week. What experts think ? is it

    a good deal or not?




  7. I believe that a photographers card should convey something pictorial and not just only texts. How about putting film like perforation at the top or bottom? or design it such a way that the card looks like s mounted slide. Cliche? not relevant in digital era?



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