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Image Comments posted by labuenaluz

  1. Thanks for your comment Rakif,


    The blue waves you see are areas of clear sky, long exposure rendered the cloud movement, an isolated lenticularis can be observed on the right side.



    Taken a memorable winter full moon night on the rims of Guadarrama

    Sierra, in really extreme climate conditions, high squally winds and

    overcast moving fast on slopes and peaks, the temperature sensation

    was really cold, photographic session finished when an inoportune

    breath freezed on lens.


    Got the final result of the image (like taken from a bathyscaphe in the

    abyssal kingdom, instead way above the sea level, hence the title),

    thanks to the conditions, combining a long exposure and flash.


    I hope you enjoy it!

    thanks in advance for your comments


    DSLR, 20mm, fill flash, tripod, RAW, ISO 100, BULB, +0.45.E.V., cable

    release, no filters, full moon, the five senses.

  2. Pure magic Marc, the swirls of twilight enlighted cirrus interacting with your choice on composition of the reflection..., mindblowing!!.


    Few minor things I would consider for this wonderfull jewel (surely you have noticed them too); the little tilt to the left, some local darkening on the main spire reflection at least to even the shadows, and maybe I would also try another version cropping the left peak (moreless 1/5 on the left side, just where the first vertical slab begins/ends)


    The Tree God


    Marc, what an absolutelly fabulous portrait of a Bristelcone, surely one of the most stunning I have ever seen on this subject.


    I have allready visited this photo a certain amount of times, and I must say the athmosphere that creates each time I open it is magic, I wont get tired in admiring the Tree God shapes and the backlit cloud movement!!.


    The scene is so f*^*&% good, that you could work in many variants and play with it forever.

  3. Absolutely OUTSTANDING, the overall composition is far above excellent, I can feel the wind in the clouds and water, and you kept still the vegetation!, the brownish autumn pallete of folliage and surroundings shapes interact with the sky with an amazing visual harmony and rythm.


    Could think about a little rework (contrasts and/or levels/curves) in the FitzRoy, on snow and granite, they seem a bit clear in my monitor.

    Stelar work nonetheless!

    Lord of the Rings

    Michael, you brought some amazing material from your trip to S.America, the Fitzroy�s alpenglow you caught here is tremendous!! the surrounding coldness, rounded and soft shapes contrast amazingly well with the granite spires, a photograph masterly executed
  4. Hola Ander, gracias por tu interes, intente captar la ancestral interaccion entre los elementos que componen este maravilloso fenomeno natural, la foto esta tomada sobre la rasa mareal de Itziar, en la cala de Sakoneta
  5. Thank you Mark, you are right, we see the nearest tree leaning caused by the perspective in scene, the main reason of this tilt is the slope,that was really pronunciated, (you can observe the base in the nearest trees and the top parts of the ones down the slope), the wide angle collaborates a bit to increase this perspective, but not as much, the backlight situation also reinforces the geometrical symetries of the scene.


    Little spare time to comment on forums lately, just to barely publish some photos time to time, thank you again!



    It is just incredible, the place, the image..., and the disproportionated attitude and reaction of some (I will call them policely) members, demonstrating some clear evidence of loosing "the ability to read a photograph and distinguish a true capture of a natural scene from a fake flipped reflection", attitude associated with the so frecuent nowadays "software plug-in" paranoia... "because it is a fake" or because "...a place like that anywhere near where I live, I haven't seen it." or (this is mine) because maybe "I just cant get a shot like that"...8^) 8^)


    Saul mentioned in a retranslated version "Before talking and accusing about fakery of an image and its reflections, you must know about the theme a little bit more and do not talk in an ignorant way, envy or whatever... "I will second his response and the images presented he inteligently took of himself that day, just in case of flies, and to shut up the wide stablished ignorancy...


    Talking about the image, I think is magnificent, the continuity (horizontal or vertical) of the symetrical shapes, the rythm of the different color layers and textures, the overall contrast, even the slight burn on snow on summits is not bothering me at all, the reflection looks at least half of stop underexposed, kind of the natural way.

    Would like to see the fullres without the slight crop, the image works fantastic as a hole, but also in multiples and different isolated crops which demonstrates for me, the mentionated great continuity and rythm.


    I dont know this place, and I really would like to, because this location is REAL, and lots of other beautifull, dreamy and REAL landscapes that we can find in Patagonia and all around the globe nowadays, and hopefully in an inmediate future.

    Can we not understand this objetive basic thing?, colors come from nature!!, I mean the natural light... on the natural enviroment, nowhere else!!... yes, that is why, along with other obvious reasons, we should encourage people in the pursuit of keeping all this real places protected, conserved and healthy, not just digging holes with their fancy tripods to get the audiences shot.


    Congratulations for the mention Saul !, your work deserves it


    free... humm, everything and everyone in this scene is free... even the dogs were happily running and playing 8^), I thought that there was just enough of sky framed, you can see a vertical version here without the climber with perhaps more liberty on sky...

    Dream Chamber


    Dreamfull..., in the surreal frontier..., alltough it was hard to choose, probably my personal favourite from your great photographic dislay published here.


    The PN anonymous rating system is just a f+`+``ng joke, anyone a little serious would not need to hide behind any mask, we are in front of a system suited to be mantained comfortably without at least this basic principle, not consistent at all, not even near!..., there is a lot of people out there sinking excellent images with their lowballs meanwhile voting bizarre and poorly crafted imagery as excellently original and aesthetic, within some time, I have observed a bunch of visible non anonymous cases in my portfolio


    I will second the 7/7 vote not just to raise the overall score for this one, because I really think is excellent in every aspect and it deserves this qualification


    Es buenisima, la vi el otro dia y flipe.., observe que tenia el reflejo principal de los montes en el agua bastante mas claro, ahora ya no, yo tb vigilaria los tonos del agua con las nieves en las sombras al lado derecho del puente, las casas tambien parecen un pelí® fuera de gama, un encuadre para gozarlo y pulir el procesado lo que haga falta, enhorabuena



    Gracias Jesus, como comentas me parecio interesante incluir el escalador y como interactua con la luz, nubes y el conjunto de la escena


    Thank you Laurent, what I really enjoyed about this image is precisely how the climber interacts with the natural scene, been "touched" by the cloud and the light



    Frozen air gusts of wind crossing the water surface announce the inminent entrance of bad weather and snow.

    The warm light, illuminates by a brief moment the summits, and the clouds seem to speed up when they touch the rock.

    Thanks for your critiques.

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