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Image Comments posted by k-lys

  1. Wonderfull colors...


    Personnaly, I would have croped the picture differently... With the line of the see making the first third and the line of the clouds making the second... but it's just a matter of opinion...



  2. I am not sure to share you're opinion... This is a place for thougs and remembrance, of course... But it s a good thing, I think, that life takes its right back...


    Guilty is not the way...


    Hope you don t take this as an insult to the memory of the deads...



    just a matter of opinion... why don t you try to make the "cuted" swans disapear with PS


    and is it a choice to have so cold anb blue tones?

    Fly on Flower


    Personnaly, I juste find the background color too gray and mabye too "poor"...


    Maybe should you try to melt it with a blue clouded sky with PS...

  3. Well... If you aimed to capture the kind of ridiculous sucess of this kind of event, congratulations...


    There is something horrible in the little glory you can harvest in those situations... The yeah-boy attitude...


    This is very north-american...


    Be a Winner!




    the colors are vry nice, and the focus is good, but it could maybe have been interessting to try with a bit more DOF...


    Personnaly, I woud also have tried this kind of cropping



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