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Image Comments posted by dwaugh

    Frozen Swamp


    Someone else has also mentioned about adding contrast, but contrast has already been added and any more, as you said, would exaggerate it. I use Paint Shop Pro 5...

    Thanks for the comment.

    Frozen Swamp


    This is across the street from my house and I have seen this shot a

    few times before but the blackberries on the edge of the road kept me

    back. This time I wanted the shot and decided to walk over them, and I

    think it was quite well worth it. Let me know how you like this shot.

    Thanks, and happy new year!

    Sea and clouds

    This is just a beautiful photo, even though it has such a dark theme. Very rarely does any photo on here, upon the first moment of viewing it, make me say "wow" without even thinking about it, but this one did. Great job.
  1. Very dramatic image. I only notice that the church is tilted a bit, so you might want to rotate the image to make it straight. I love how the church stands out against the sky. Good job.

    Fall Explosion

    The stitching of the images is flawless for what I can see. This is a very well balanced photo. I particularly like the clearness of the water with the ability to see the rocks beneath the surface. Of course, the colors on the trees are great, and the sky is dramatic. Good job.


    What a mystical photo. The fog is great. For some reason though, I feel that something is missing from it. It could be too tight of a crop, needing more sky above it, or the openness to the left of the photo. However, this is a good, unique photo.
  2. There may be only one other position that I could move to, but I'm not going to try it in the snow since it involves a steep hill (to the right in the photo) that leads to the water. As it is, for this shot, although you don't see it in the photo, I'm actually right next to the water when shooting. Thanks for the comment.
  3. This is in a city park near my house and I have shot this waterfall

    many times, but this time in the snow was my first time with my

    10-20mm lens and I rediscovered this angle, and I am now able to

    include the waterfall in this view instead of just the bridge. I

    actually haven't seen this view before in a photo even though it is

    such a popular place for people to shoot. This photo is a multiple

    exposure in my D80 made from two shots. Let me know how you like it,

    and I may go out and improve it if I can before the snow is gone. Thanks.


    This is a beautiful shot. I like the subtle light and shadows. I wish the mountains were a bit brighter to stand out more, but they are good as they are, making the path and fence the main focus. Good shot.

    Blue Moon

    I like the detail, especially in the rocks. If anything, it's the colors of the rocks that really makes this shot. I wonder what it would look like without the ground, if you were top crop it so you can only see rock and the sky. It would be more simple, and might just look better.

    Gray Jay


    This is an old one that I just decided to upload here because I just

    had a nice print made of it, which looks great. I know that Gray Jays

    aren't the most well liked of birds, but they are still beautiful in

    their own right, and allow you to get close to them. I have another

    photo in my portfolio of the same bird but a different shot with the

    sky in the background, but I have always liked this shot more, so what

    does anyone else think? Thanks.

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