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Everything posted by igor_leonidovich_mestman

  1. Hello Andrew. Glad to see your art is thriving. Liked your Flamboyant Dancer so much, sent a link to my Facebook account. The lady is so pretty they blocked the photo (automatically, because of the nude art tag). You are famous (you've been censured... :) I, however, strongly urge you to dine your model... Even for a dancer, she is exceptionally lean. (Probably healthy too, and will live to be a 100, )...
  2. Stunning face, and pose of dynamic tension.
  3. Hernest, thank you for your personal reply. As the Russian proverb goes -- 'better late than never'. I love this seemingly spontaneous photograph for the vivacious youth-beaming quality of the girls' faces, the synchronicity of poses, the lovely bodies arrested in controlled tension, and the good sharp focus across the board. Looking forward to your work in August...
  4. I had a 110 lbs boxer girl that used to do this. -- As the Borg would have it, resistance is futile. Now, when she grows up and a boy asks her 'were you ever kissed?' , without revealing the species, she has a story to tell... :)
  5. White on white is skin's delight -- No competition, even slight, No odd temptations for attention, What's central stage is all the mention Entombed in symmetry of sprawl -- White linen body to extoll...
  6. Fine Corinthian display, No nonsense just one in parlay Of pensive mood and grave demeanor, And midget mortal -- comfort's winner... How love they classic Grecian forms, Idealistic flight and norms, Protection just, aesthetic hold On hearts naïve of mold and gold...
  7. Does Your dog bite?! :)
  8. igor_leonidovich_mestman

    I am known as Elvis-bird Come what may, my style is heard! :)
  9. igor_leonidovich_mestman


    With a touch of sultry flair, The model sprawls on leather chair...
  10. Methinks the 'r traveling on air...
  11. The inner sanctum is revealed, Tempting humming bird love-willed Toward nectar, pollen, color... Shapes and textures hint of pallor Due to high set ISO....; I would try 100 so :)
  12. igor_leonidovich_mestman


    Devilishly good speed. Devilishly, because it just links with Tasmania... :)
  13. The traveling red-heads symposium! :)
  14. This one made me laugh. I knew terriers were ferocious protectors of wild animal trainers. Turns out they are also irreverently determined kissers...
  15. 'To behold the world in a grain of sand...' May not quite fit, so I'll amend: To behold the world in a drop of rain Requires a heartful nature-brain...
  16. Julie, H -- You are so mean, LOL is really thin! The work really is marked by a mood of pessimism, fatalism, and potential 'godly' menace of the grand-manipulator. Hence the author's apparently appropriate allusion to Film Noir. The stock clown pantomime character of Franco-Italian 'comedie' tradition is hard to miss. What is it that is so funny? The 'upstaging' comment strikes as an atomistic bird-zoom take missing the boat entirely...
  17. Aha! -- a brave soul to shoot 100 asa indoors. Yes, you understood me perfectly. All of a sudden (I've been away a few years) the Photo.net is full of meaningless meta-information for shutter speeds, apertures, asa values etc. Perhaps it is the abundance of digital cameras which upload gobbly gook AUTOMATICALLY, or... it is the Big Brother, unable to cope with secret cryptography, scrambling the data. It is rather odd that a pro photo site has its key numbers all in a bunch... :)
  18. igor_leonidovich_mestman


    As one fine poet styled Ulysses, 'I am a part of all I've seen..." (http://writersmugs.com/quotes.php?day=413) With your images you 've certainly made an impression on India as well...
  19. Fine paper (https://d1ro734fq21xhf.cloudfront.net/attachments/00SY0U-111206084.jpg) At first I thought you were shooting from a TMX400 towing vehicle :) -- http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=tmx+400&qpvt=TMX+400&qpvt=TMX+400&qpvt=TMX+400&FORM=IGRE
  20. igor_leonidovich_mestman

    Laura 5

    Fine onion-thin rendition of a mysteriously eyed young lady. (Hard to believe it is 3.6 coded aperture).
  21. A beautiful lady, breaking my notions about it being easier to balance with eyes wide open... Is there a function to those half-slippers which seem to make the foot more slip-prone?
  22. A wonderful vivacious shot! No names. No phone numbers. No one to compliment in person. (The Italians probably know each one by the face -- smile). Well, if there is no flash, and you did not shoot at full up 2.8 aperture (as seems you did not, from the relatively broad dof) I wonder what was the ASO setting. Can you enlarge the gymnast on the far left to a full screen, while keeping the grain in check? Again, A wonderful vivacious shot!
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