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Image Comments posted by jlt

  1. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Yes the edges are a little soft. I noticed this when I uploaded it but I didn't take the time to sharpen the edges which would probably have enhanced the shot a little.

    Regards: Jeri

  2. Julie: This was a small sailboat and I was elevated. The combination of the zoom lens and the breeze on the water made for an unusual shot. I scanned this from a negative and had to play around to get some artistic effect. I put it through noise ninja. I agree the mountains came out a little too sharp for the distance away from the boat but it does have a surreal feeling. I think you are right about the crop. The top of the cloud is a nice curve that I should have left in. I had fun with this using some artistic license. Thanks for stopping by. Regards Jeri

    Face Off



    We got this lab after our 14 year old Yellow Lab died. Our cat freaked and would not adjust to the intruder. My husband wanted proof that they had finally made an attempt to get along so I took this shot to show him. You can see they are very wary of each other. They are now the best of friends but the cat does rule:) I agree with your sugggestions. I could make an interesting photo if I played around with PS.

    Regards Jeri


    Yes I know it is huge. I was just having some fun. My husband went to Antelope Valley High School a long time ago before any Red tile roofs.


    Great shot of the Antelope Valley. Very crisp and clean. I'm surprized there are still some open spaces without red tile roofs:)


    The color is good for a gray day, but your photo might be better if the whole horse was in the photo. Having his back leg cut off is a distraction.


    Yes, I would really like to see the top of the object. The placement of the hook is nice, but maybe just a little more space at the bottom. The texture of the wood is terrific.

    Lone Church


    Mike: First right click on the image and copy and paste it to a photo editor like PS. Crop the image or change it the way you want and decrease the size to about 400 pixels wide. Save it with a different name on your computer.

    After you submit a comment on a photo, Pnet gives you an option to upload an image. Browse for the image that you just saved and upload it. It will show up on the comment page and you can delete the image on your computer.

    I hope this helps. Regards Jeri

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