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Image Comments posted by jlt

    Hiding a Black Eye

    Great colors but a difficult shot to make. The center of the flower and the greenery is in focus but you lose some focus on the petals. You will have to work on your depth of field to keep it all in focus. The lighting is nice on the center also. Keep shooting.


    Thank you Chris and Claude. These plants are fun to try to photograph. If the sun cooperates you can get some nice shadows and textures on the plant.

    Surf Print

    Great shot. I would really like to see the whole rock on the top left and maybe crop a little of the pattern off the bottom, but I still think this has beautiful detail and imagination. The tones are very nice.

    Trees on Top

    This is a beautiful photo. I love the mist. I wonder if there was a little more room on the top and the left side if it might improve the comp. Just a thought.
  1. Yes there is a little too much sky. Now I know what bothered me about the comp. Thanks, this version is better I think. Yes the jpg compression really did a number on the sharpness. It seems like the portrait view of shots get distorted. I guess you have to make them smaller.

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