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Image Comments posted by janvanlaethem



    Very nice shot, I like the way you used colour in your picture. If I can make a small remark, and this is meant as constructive criticism, I would have tried to put the three flowers at slightly different positions, not all on the same horizontal line. You could place them so they form a triangular shape, maybe within a square format. Just a thought.


    Keep up the good work.





  1. I like your composition with the tree on the right hand side of the frame and the two birds flying across the frame from left to right. Wing position is also excellent and illustrates the flight pattern of this particular bird species. Also, the moody sky adds interest at the top of the frame.


    The only problem I have with your picture, and this is meant as constructive criticism, is the straight line as a horizon. I'd rather see the tree standing in its own environment, not just selected and cropped out as you've done. But maybe including the ground was not possible when you took the tree picture?










    Why would you want to remove the shadow cast by the sign? It really complements the shadow of the woman. This is a great picture, you don't need to touch it up in Photoshop. I sincerely think every picture should be composed and executed in-camera, if you need to remove stuff afterwards than that is, in my opinion, an indication that a) you haven't been careful enough composing your picture or b) you shouldn't have pressed the shutter at all. Why spend hours and hours on a computer screen if you can take so many excellent pictures outdoors?


    Some excellent black and white shots in your seaside folder also.



    Infrared HDR




    This is an excellent photograph. I'm a big fan of black and white infrared and also of panoramic photography, you have succeeded in combining both techniques to create a wonderful photograph.


    Please send in more of your work.





    Great use of diagonal lines. I can almost imagine myself standing there, looking up at the building. That curly cloud in the top right part of the picture is a very interesting detail and is just what is needed to give the whole picture some balance. Brilliant.


    Beautiful composition and lighting, great contrast between the lighter and darker parts of the picture. I particularly like the square format and the way you fill the frame with just 5 flowers.


    Great picture. I like the way the two cranes intersect and how the crane in the foreground seems to dominate the other one. The square format suits this image perfectly. Top marks.



    Camera on a tripod, long exposure of approximately 2 seconds. I

    wanted to record movement in the train, but also to retain detail in

    the scene behind the train. I started my exposure just as the train

    entered the frame from the right hand side and ended the exposure

    just before it left the frame. The car head lights add a further

    interest point.



    Hi Thomas and Werner,


    Thanks for your comments. You are right about the plant at the top right hand corner, this should have been cropped out. As for the horizon, the camera was perfectly level on a tripod, it is the land that is sloping off towards the right. See my section on black and white infrared for other pictures taken at the same location from different viewpoints.

    Double bass 2


    I really love the use of minimal depth of field, with focus on the strings at the right hand side and gradually going out of focus as your eyes wander off to the other side. Nice tonal range with two contrasting colours. I'd love to see more of your images.



  2. Great use of light, which constrasts beautifully with the dark clouds. This picture conveys a lot of power, you can almost imagine yourself standing there and taking in the scene. Top marks for this picture.
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