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Posts posted by acedigital

  1. <p>I would agree IF you don't have a flash, get a Canon 430Ex or 580 EX/EX II flash FIRST and see if your indoor results don't improve a lot. You can use a flash with whatever camera you decide to upgrade to.<br>

    Just curious, what didn't you like about the 7D? The 60D gets mixed results so I would steer away from that one.</p>

  2. <p>I would agree IF you don't have a flash, get a Canon 430Ex or 580 EX/EX II flash FIRST and see if your indoor results don't improve a lot. You can use a flash with whatever camera you decide to upgrade to.<br>

    Just curious, what didn't you like about the 7D? The 60D gets mixed results so I would steer away from that one.</p>

  3. <p>1. Re-boot you computer<br>

    2. Do you have multiple catalogs? If so try opening it with another one.<br>

    3. When/IF you get it working, Optimize your catalog and back it up if you havent already.<br>

    4. If all these "fail", copy your catalog backup files to a location you know (make sure they arent in the LR folders (I tend to backup the LRCAT files to the same directory as the photos).....<br>

    5. Re-install LR3 and point it to your "old" catalog file(s)..........<br>

    Good Luck!</p>

  4. <p>Hi Faith - give us some more information, what camera do you use, what type of shooting do you do and what is your budget? The Tamron seems like a good value, but I do not have hands on experience with that lens. Here are some reviews of Canon and several 3rd party lenses from <a href="http://bobatkins.com/photography/reviews/tamron_28_75.html">Bob Atkins.</a> This link is specifically to this Tamron lens and he gives it a very good review comparing it to two mid-priced Canon lenses.</p>


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