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Image Comments posted by amorteguy



    I know you know, but I dunno. I can't quite see it.


    It looks like a picture I would like. It's just too small to really see what's going on. I think a larger display would negate the darkess in the lower third somewhat also.


    From what I can see, (imo) a photo like this screams for a ruler straight horizon. Otherise, I am distracted somewhat. (But, I'm also distracted by shiny things, so take it for what it's worth.)

  1. Someone melted my Sony! Interesting PSing, it took me awhile to see it as a video camera and people.


    However, I think an abstraction should have "meaning" apart from its real source. I found myself trying to figure out the source and not enjoying it in and of itself.



    Hey Paul, thanks for sharing your photos. I looked at the rest of your photos also. You have been given some below average ratings, but you keep plugging away. That's commendable. Keep working it.


    I did notice that your images are similar in that the exhibit a slide to the blue and they lack sharpness. I was wondering if these were scanned from prints?


    I think you are being limited in some respect by the tools you use. Keep working at it and don't give up. You don't have to have the most expensive equipment, you just need to master the equipment you have. Figure out how to use your technical "limitations" to your advantage.


    I like, I like, I like. Why? It has great framing and nice contrasting elements that work so well together; the path (is it a path), the sky, the angle of the trees, the texture. Nice job. Now I need to go turn up the heat in here.
  2. You did it! Congratulations.


    I have seen three Christo's tonight and commented on them all. The last comment I made talked about how hard it is to be original with art photos, especially of art like Christo's.


    But, you nailed it. Good job!

    Flying High


    Whale at take off. Nice capture.


    It is tough to get beyond the "tourist" look in a situation such as this without the gear ($$$). A 300mm to get up close and personal while softening the background would have elevated this image to another level.


    Maybe if the original image can take it, do a little PS to create that in post.

  3. Remember, a photo is more than its technical execution or its present condition. I like this image and the others being shared in this series because of the value it contains beyond all that.

    I would like to sit around a fire looking at these pictures and hearing the stories of the man who took them.

    The faded image of this cold, stark mountain connects us with the warm story of a father and son. Thanks for sharing.


    Very nice. I like the encroachment of the gnarled "fingers" of this tree into the soft green patch of flowers. Or, is it the flowers that are encroaching?



    Just curious where this was taken. I like it.

    The structural curvature adds just enough surrealism to keep it from being a boring "another under the pier" shot, yet not so much as to lose realism. I like the balance. The coloring is also nice and "sandy."

    I like the contrast of the ruler straight horizon against the bending piers. The only thing that "may" have made it stronger would be to emphasize the horizon's straightness by making it perfectly straight through the frame also.

    Got The Blues

    It possibly could have been improved by loosing the light and details in the lower right corner. It could have been a study in blues and blacks. I think that may have been more interesting.
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