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Posts posted by radu_diaconu

  1. Jay, thanks for the info, I already knew the site and it has definitely helped me before.


    But, I've just realized that I'm missing the a gold contact pin: there are suppose to be seven, but I only have six.


    The number two button is definitely stuck and cannot go up.


    Thanks for the info, I guess I will have to return it to the seller.




    Radu D.

  2. Hi,


    I recently acquired a Nikon MD-4, serial number 105689, and after

    putting batteries inside, i checked the red lights and boht light up



    But, once the motor drive is attached on the camera, the trigger

    doesn't fire and I can't get any reading on the LCD.


    If someone has more info on this, please let me know how to solve the



    Also, is it normal that I can't get button number two to go up? The

    one that is supposed to rewind the film.




    Radu D.

  3. Hi,


    I am getting uneven development from my 120 roll films that I never

    got before. What I'm talking about is that the first 6 frames are

    noticeably darker than the last 6, as if they had gotten more

    devlopment or less fix.


    I never had that problem before and I have been developing film for

    over a year now. This happened to me with T-Max dev. and D-76, so I'm

    almost positive that it is not a question of developer, although, my

    D-76 is a few months old, so it might be time to change.


    I have thought that the plastic Paterson reels might be the problem,

    but then again, i don't understand why this did not happen before.


    Unfortunately I cannot post any samples, but just try to imagine half

    the roll darker that the other half.


    Thanks for all your responses.




    Radu D.

  4. Hi Anthony,


    Concert photography is certainly difficult, and I'm no expert in that field, but I can give you certain references.


    First, if you have the possibility to be on the side of the stage, do so. Some of the greatest photography shots were taken on the side of the stage.


    Being in between the stage and the crowd is also a good spot.


    Also, try shooting with a more normal lens (50/45/35) so you can get more shots of the band together and play with foreground and background.


    Slow shutter speeds are always nice in a concert, especially on the front man and on drums.


    My favorite concert photographer and one my favortie photographers in general is Anton Corbijn.


    If you have ever seen his work, you know how well he captures the mood on stage, which is what you should try to do.


    If you're into concert photography, or into any other type of photography, you must try to "feel" the vibe of the specific location.


    Most importantly, the lighting conditions will certainly render the feel of the venue.


    Try to play with shadows and shapes and don't focus only on getting sharp pictures, like I said, motion is everything.


    I'm sending you a link so you can see for yoursefl if my explanations were not clear. (sorry!)




    PS: My FAVORTIE band.




    Radu D.

  5. Hi Buttons,


    I'm glad the combination workd fine and I was sure you'd love that. It is now one of my favorite combos.


    You can still shoot wide open at 800, but you have to be inside. I have a Yashica Electro and wide open at F1.7 it is gorgeous with Tri-X and Rodinal. Nice sharp grain, a bit contrasty and very easy to print.




    Radu D.

  6. Hi Jan,


    I developed a roll of Tri-X 800 in Rodinal 1:50 at 17min a few days ago and my negs were perfect, grainy, but very subtle and very nice. (at 20C)


    The negatives were not flat, but then again, I print on a condenser enlarger so there is slightly more contrast on the print.


    You can always change the contrast with filters or with Photoshop if you are scanning, so I recommend staying in the 16 to 18min range, you might not see a great difference in contrast.




    Radu D.

  7. Hi All,


    I have a roll of 120 Fuji Acros shot at 400 to do for a friend. I looked

    at previous posts, but did not find sufficient informations concerning

    this combination. I also looked at the Massive Dev. Chart and only found

    speeds of 200 and 250. I have these developers on hand: D76,

    Microdol-X, Diafine, TMax, Xtol, Rodinal....that's it.


    Thank you all for your responses.


    Radu Diaconu.

  8. Hi,


    I have a question regarding bulk loading. Which side does the emulsion

    have to be when I open the light trap and obviously, which side should

    I load the bulk film - clockwise or counterclockwise.


    Thank you all for your answers


    Radu Diaconu.

  9. Hi,


    I would like to know if anyone of you has used Kodak D-19 with films

    other than TP - like TRI-X for example or any othe film.


    I'm trying to find some developping times for these films, but have

    not been able to find anything - or any other films with D-19 except

    TP and whatever is in the Massive Dev.Chart.


    I would appreciate any feedback on this.


    Thank you.




    Radu D.

  10. Hi Guy,


    I know what you mean, I spent 20min in my bathroom trying to load my first roll. Well, first, try to get a roll that's been used and practice loading it with your eyes closed, in daylight. It might help.


    The second trick I can give you, is to unroll slowly in darkness, until you feel the negative and with your tumb and first finger, to pull gently between the two rollers, and then just turn as usual. This is for plastic reels of course. It has helped me a lot and now it only takes me a few minutes to do the whole process.


    Hope this helps,


    Radu D.

  11. Hi all,


    I will try crossprocessing Ektachrome 320T shot in daylight in mix

    conditions, but I have two questions that are left unanswered from all

    my research.


    Do I really need to push/pull the film and to push/pull the C-41

    process or can I just push the film and do normal C-41 or just expose

    normally and do normal C-41


    If anyone could clear this out for me, I would really appreciate.


    Some people tend to say that you have to Overexpose (pull the film) by

    two stops and push the C-41. And some say that just exposing normally

    and C-41 normal is fine.


    Anyway, I'm confused


    Thank you again,


    Radu Diaconu

  12. Hi all,


    I have question regarding the look of a photograph of Depeche Mode by

    Anton Corbijn.


    The grain is amazing and the colours are muted, and I doubt he used a

    computer in 1997.


    So, would you know what kind of film he used, or maybe he pushed a

    certain film. By now, I would think it would be discontinued, but I'll

    give anything a try.


    Here is the link:




    Thank you,


    Radu Diaconu

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