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Image Comments posted by enlightened-images

  1. I think this works pretty nice with the early evening light. It's hard to go wrong at Tunnel View. Did you shoot this in Raw or Jpeg. If possible, I'd try to add a little contrast and saturation in the sky, while preserving the detail you have in the shadows. - opps, scratch part of that. I just opened this in PShop and was surprised by the colors that I'm not seeing here at Photo.net. It appears you are using different colorspace. You should do your main work using Adobe 1998 or Srgb, and when posting to the web, use srgb, as you'll get a much better color rendition than the really flat colors that come across here.

    Hope that helps.


    Peekaboo 02


    nice image w/ FG & BG light. However it doesn't feel very cohesive. My eye seems to focus on the two little peaks, but they make up such a small part of the frame. I almost thinks it looks a bit better with cropping off a chunk of the top half of the image.

    my 2 cents...


    very nice image overall. I really like the composition and water flow. I think there is too much blue / cyan saturation, esp in the FG rocks & water that could be toned down a notch or three.
  2. Nikon 8008s Fuji Velvia, split GND filter.


    Amid the tightly-packed line of photographers awaiting sunrise this

    morning, I recall being the pretty much the only one to photograph

    this scene. I could tell because as I looked around, everyone else was

    talking and no one was looking through their viewfinder. They were all

    stuck on the idea that they were gonna wait for better light to land

    on the mountains. It never did. Lesson: if it looks good, shoot it. If

    it looks better, shoot it again.


    Comments & Critiques Welcomed.

    Thanks for looking.

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