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Image Comments posted by vickifrance


    You can see right up her shirt! Not so good for a Senior pic. How did you talk her into the water? I could see sitting on the side with feet in. But this looks just wrong.


    Of all your senior pics I like this one. (Actually I have not combed through all of them just around 10 or so.) Softer focus on the face and yet the eyes ares still sharp VERY GOOD. Lighting is perfect. However her hand is doing that funky over sized out of proportion look when it's closer to the camera. Perhaps if her head is out over the hand just a bit more. Practice makes perfect...keep going.

    Trees in fire

    Good exposure and lighting. I also like the movement feel this has. A question in my mind is .... why are the trees so squiggley. They appear to be almost liquidfied. I may consider lighting the middle ground area just a bit.


    So so cold and no trees in the distance it's like an oasis in winter and you found the only warming thing peeking it's head out. But wait far off there must be warmth on the horizon. But for now all you have is the ice pond oasis and the small bit of sun. Way to keep those eyes peeled.


    Love the drama in the sky and lighting. But those darn tourists need to go, I would work to clone some of them out! I also agree that the fountain being cut off is not good. Perhaps a trip back to France is in store. What a place this castle is!

    Early Morning

    I think it has potential, but your not there yet. See my picture called Morning Oaks in my portfolio and I think you could do something similar. Also there is a red dot in the lower middle that is distracting.
  1. I love beginners that don't know the rules in design and photography. My 16 year daughter takes some of the most creative photo's I have ever seen, simple because she hasn't been put in that tin can yet. Experiments can be and are how we break free from the mold and begin to create our own style. She's perfect.


    Round 'n Round

    First to the people who think making your child dizzy is hurting them....you better go tell "Disneyland" to trash most of their rides. Making a young child dizzy is good for their equilibrium and they love it! So dizzy up the Girl! I was getting dizzy looking at the photo...now that's cool! As to where the camera is...I think you were standing above them on a deck of some sorts. Super shot.
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