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Image Comments posted by vickifrance

    Robber Fly

    Chris, I bet you are a hoot to watch chasing bugs around the neighborhood with your camera. What do your neighbors think? I mean unless they see the end result they must just think your a mad man. Your images are wonderful and a delight to look at. I love little critters as long as they stay outside. Thanks for sharing.

    Sunrise 01

    I see this photo every evening when I go for a walk, so I know the look your intending. However, I just don't think you've nailed it in this composition. Try using a tree with less branches to allow more sunlight in. I would also recommend using a tripod when it's dark out or you'll never get the branches to be sharp.


    This is a prefect example of how a place that you pass by a thousands times on your drive to work or home can make a beautiful composition. When the weather the lighting and the camera all line up...a beauty is born. Very nice work!


    This shot is perfect in my opinion I love the fact it looks like a painting...reminds me of the something that was painted by Edward Hopper called Nighthawks.

    Missed Mist

    Why is it I can relate to the slips and trips through the ditches only to have missed the weather phenomena that was occurring. None the less this turned out beautifully, love the blues, more fog would have been great...next time. I call this time of day the "Blue Time" just after the sunsets and everything turns a beautiful cobalt.
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