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Image Comments posted by vickifrance

  1. I love this! I take a lot of horse pictures. Not because I love horses, but because they happen to be in the pretty places. BUT I do/did feel your pain about yelling and jumping (if anyone saw me I'd probably be put away)....and I learned a little trick to get them to look. I keep a plastic jug in my car that I keep horses treats in it and when you shake it they look up...the bad part is they want to come to it and that messes with your composition. But if you shake it they will look up....then stop shaking...take picture...it's never easy and an assistant is great. But the important part is YOU GOT IT! And maybe this doesn't work on horses that never get treats from there owners.
  2. Your photos of India leave me with so many questions. My husbands family are wealth Indians (not American's idea of wealthy) from the state of Megalaya in India... recently he began traveling to India to work on some property he is inheriting...and to meet family that he's never meet. Soon, I will be traveling with him to the city of Shillong...am I ready for this? WOW what a populated, dirty, busy, poor but beautiful place. I really love your pictures...and I love curry...signed a little scared, but opened minded.

    Arche NP

    Dan this appears to look like an hdr, but I can't be sure. Colors, composition and depth of field are very nice. Couple things that stick out to me is the dark area in the sky above the arch and the amount of noise in the sky. Perhaps running a noise filter on the sky can help.
  3. I agree something is off...perhaps you used the liquefy tool a bit to much? The upper half of her torso is short compared to her legs..she appears disproportional. She appears plastic.

    I'm on fire

    WOW! Excellent catch...love the fact the sailor guy has a cigarette...and his expression and body language is caught perfectly. Takes a brave sole to be out of the closet this far. Also I love the womans expression in the background...it's so questioning. Like What in Heck?! I also like the tones you have used.


    Excellent story here. Nice depth of field you chose on this. I find graveyards interging in that they tell a story about the people from the area. This cemetery is interesting in that the grave markers for the most part are inexpensive and ALL the graves are covered with chinese made plastic flowers. Also I have never seen rails around graves, wonder where this concept came from? Thanks for sharing.

    A Millers Tale

    I just looked at your Runaway Train photo and I was thinking as I was looking at it that the buildings in the background looked European. Then I came to this one and I was thinking WOW you live in a neat old place, I wonder where that is in the US? But then I remembered you are from England. Isn't this COOL that we can meet people from thousands of miles away and share a passion together. Never in a million worlds would I have expected this 25 years ago. Love your work keep them coming.

    La Garganta

    Eugenio can you please answer me a question on this love piece of art? Is this an HDR or is it a couple different exposures combined? I try so hard for pictures like this... but if I expose for the light the dark is too dark and if I expose for the dark the light is too light. I would deeply appreciate any insight. And if I expose somewhere between I still don't get good results.
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