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Posts posted by kbg32

  1. <p>I use the 24P on my M8. It is a great lens. You won't be disappointed. I purchased another lens mount, to have it coded and to bring up the correct frame lines, difficult to do here in the States, as Gandy, from whom I bought the lens, won't get one for you. I somehow came across a shop via the internet in either New Zealand or Australia, can't remember, and they were kind enough to order the replacement lens mount and ship it to me. They even sent me an exploded parts list for the 24P to make sure they would be ordering the correct part. Other then what Gandy says, the lens mount can be purchased separately. I had it coded by John Milich and the mount changed via a local camera repair. I use the UV/IR Cut filter as well. Sounds like a hassle, but it wasn't. Total cost including lens mount, shipping, and swapping out - $60.</p>
  2. <p>I have both. Both are excellent cameras, though I am finding the GF-1's IQ to be better. People say it's the same chip, but there is a difference. I love that you can set the GF-1 ISO in small increments. I love the G1, but the GF-1 is a lot of fun for street shooting. It is built really well and with the 7-14 attached or the Olympus 17, it makes a wonderful small setup. </p>


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