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Posts posted by andrea_ingram

  1. I acquird this little gem as part of a job lot and hav just got

    around to doing something with it. The problem was that the metal

    thing that holds the spools in place had been bent and eventually I

    had to bite the bullet and bend it back. Not a perfect job as the

    thing doesn't quite close properly now and I found I had light leaks.

    Still, the first roll or re-rolled Orwo 125 brought these images -

    the first of which is the best i think.<div>00Cvk4-24745784.jpg.58b8eb48aca031244e7011ea6b12a4df.jpg</div>

  2. Firstly, apologies for yet another post but I am enjoying myself!I

    got along to the Saddleworth folk Festival again today to photograph

    Pig Dyke Mollly from the Fens who had taken my fancy.

    I was a bit early and came across the early preparations outside the

    Lovely Chursh Inn [brews own beer etc];<div>00CuO5-24715884.jpg.e3e3130fe7bf8cd41d6ff4f2c279dfe1.jpg</div>

  3. I love using old folders, boxes and the like because they feel so wonderful. Yesterday, I was the only person taking pictures at the Folk Festival with an old camera [that I could see] - and loads of people [and dancers] were coming up to me to ask about the camera and ignored those using the digital cameras - and that made me feel rather special.


    There seems to me to be craft in the conception and realisation of the final image with old cameras [which may or may not be the case with Digital]. Recently, on holiday, my partner took pictures with her Nikon coolpix compact digi and the results were great. Images in low light, such when looking round a [decommisioned] sub were brill compared to my underexposed pics - because of my lack of craft - and perhaps a flash!. I am not unhappy with this as I seek to improve my skill. The modern world seems to want instant results with little personal development. The 'soul' people talk about that is missing perhaps.


    I want to live in a world to my values not the values of this instant gratification, superficial and unsustainable world. And I am happy for others to do the same as long as it doesn't impinge on others.

    The final reason for the old camera thing - apart from matching the person with camera age - is that there is such a thrill to get occaisionally wonderful images fit for publication/display from old camaras that have been discarded/thrown away by others.

  4. Yes, it's a great Tour. Saw the stage finish on TV at work in between driving the derny [motorbike thing] around the track for riders.

    Never been that keen on Mr Armstrong but I must admit he is really taking the bull by the horns.

    BTW: my tandem stayed indoors today, resting for the morn.

  5. The Voigtlander folding rangefinder has my attention now so i took

    him out for a little trip at the next village where a bit of local

    action was taking place. The local men, all dressed up in their

    finery are taking on all-comers in the Morris dance comp as part of

    the Saddleworth Folk Fetival. Since i'm not too keen on listening to

    men with fingers stuck in their ears i caught up with the Morris in

    the museum car-park.

    If you are not sure about what Morris is about, wait 10 mins and I'm

    sure someone will tell you. My version is that these men dress up in

    bright clothes, bells on their clogs etc and dance about - and sing a

    bit then have few [more] jars in the local pub. Good fun though.<div>00Ctjr-24701684.jpg.f35173c0f5246a299bb656cae48876e7.jpg</div>

  6. The last frame on a roll in the Franka I used at work. These are the

    Athens tandem Kilometre champions Ellen /Ailen with a coach -

    Marshall - hanging on the back. Low light, wide open and slow speed

    leaning on the fence!

    I'm sure you smart boys and girls can make up a suitable caption....<div>00CtQw-24691884.jpg.2acc58c8a69a873293e6d7ed72253c89.jpg</div>

  7. Somewhere on Texel we came across this great Oompah band from Den

    Helder [the ferry port on the mainland] playing at a village fete.

    Orwo 125 souped in Rodinal 1;50 13 mins. Neg scan and that's all.

    I might add, i have been having a bit of a problem with this

    cameras 'sports view finder' in that it won't show me what the camera

    is pointing at. As a result, the framing is a bit miss and nearly


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