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Everything posted by JeffBryce

  1. I feel that the exposure is too long, as the left side of the falls is complete milk. Something less than a second may have worked better. Too bad about the washed out sky. Everything else looks very nice.
  2. JeffBryce

    DSC_5241 bryce

    I tend to agree with Norbert's observations. The photo appears too flat and does not show depth. A different angle could fix that.
  3. Yes, Tony, a slight increase in contrast is what I was thinking. I know your thoughts are to improve the sky; I also believe it could restore more of the small crack detail in the earth, which I think is a bit more visible in my shot, which was taken at a focal length of 38mm vs your 14mm (both DX). I guess that's why I thought this image is a bit flat-- lacking shadow detail-- especially in the foreground. Cheers, Jeff
  4. JeffBryce

    Cheltenham Badlands

    Hi Tony, Figured my comment on yours might spark a look here! This shot is downhill from the split tree area (the uppermost tree in your photo). I tried many angles, but as you may recall, originality here is very limited. And now it has become popular and very trodden upon. I was by there earlier in the year and as I recall they've paved the road and parking area, and slowed the traffic. I've not had success there, and won't likely return. This is the only shot I've taken that is "OK". It was spring and I noticed that the buds on the tree matched the shade of iron oxide. Tried to get some lead line interest, but this is all I could see that day. All the best, Jeff
  5. JeffBryce

    Jökulsárlón (27)

    Another wonderful shot from your latest trip. By the way, roughly what size was that piece of ice? (it seems quite tiny)
  6. The shade of yellow water is a bit unattractive (you know, "don't eat yellow snow"). I'd likely have changed the white balance slightly.
  7. Hi Tony, I am very familiar with this place. In fact I think I first became aware of it about five years ago from one of your photo.net posts! I know that you like experimenting with processing techniques, but to me this photo looks overworked-- the greens are a bit bright and the lighting on the badlands appears too flat or even based on the luminosity of the greens.
  8. JeffBryce

    Goðafoss (2)

    Hi Alain, It's great to see your images from another successful visit to Iceland. I like that you provide details of what you try to accomplish; I wish that more people would do so. I am trying to understand your comments about vignetting caused by the lens and filter set-up. As I understand tilt/shift lenses, the image circle is large and so the lens likely didn't produce patches, although it is possible that vignetting could occur on a pano in the extreme left and right edges only. I have experienced patches using a polarizer on an ultra-wide, but I haven't noticed patches due to the use of a grad or ND. I wonder if there is another explanation? All the best, Jeff
  9. JeffBryce

    Late November

    Nice patience and timing to capture the scant & delicate light upon the tree. The clouds are wonderfully dramatic.
  10. JeffBryce


    Wonderful lead lines.
  11. JeffBryce

    Jökulsárlón (24)

    Beautiful! Excellent use of a hard grad.
  12. JeffBryce

    Northern lights (11)

    Alain, thanks for giving me a preview of this last week. It is magical that the aurora arches mimic the curves in the sea stack's holes. Actually, I like the original (un-cloned) of this with the shoreline lights because these lights mimic and complement the stars. Nice composition. Regards, Jeff
  13. I like the inclusion of the human figures at the top left as it adds to the sense of scale. You should consider including some Exif data-- especially focal length, F/stop, and exposure time-- as this often helps other viewers to better understand an image. Regards, Jeff
  14. I like the reflected colors and simplicity here.
  15. JeffBryce

    Mount Reynolds, GNP

    Nice classic lead line of the stream. Colors are very pleasant and were likely naturally enhanced by the cloudy sky. Really good composition with fore-, mid-, and background interest. Great job!
  16. This is better. The willow branches complement the vertical format. The position of the red & yellow leaves is classic and more pleasing.
  17. Very smart image. The vertical format is perfect for this one.
  18. JeffBryce

    Canada Mt Robson

    Fantastic clouds and light. Great leading lines.
  19. JeffBryce

    Blue on pink

    The image is over-processed and the background is out of focus. The lead lines in the foreground are interesting, but too bad they lead where they do.
  20. Were the 4 images that you combined within seconds, minutes, or hours? This certainly has a wow factor, but it is really just a dark photo collage.
  21. This is nicely balanced and peaceful.
  22. JeffBryce

    The fjord.

    Craig wrote what I was going to write. Also, there is a very noticeable dirt spot in the center of the sky. Regards, Jeff
  23. JeffBryce

    The faceless ones

    The image seems a bit bright to me as some of the rock details (the shadows) seem lost. Perhaps a different time of the day would have worked better? Regards, Jeff
  24. JeffBryce


    I think it would be helpful for some critiquers if you included EXIF data or a few basic details (e.g. f/stop, speed, camera, lens). Regards, Jeff
  25. I always wonder what was cropped away when I see something other than 3:2. The rocks on the far right shore appear sharp, but the rest doesn't. Maybe the cloud movement is playing tricks with my vision? Composition is nice as the shed is balanced with the other elements.
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