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Image Comments posted by andrewpgrant

  1. Thanks Jos. It was the graduated colours that originally caught my eye as it said something to me about autumn progressing - like it was being forced upon the forest by the winter-like branches of the dark trees at bottom left.


    Thanks also John and Jan for your kind comments.



    My initial instinct was also to zoom in closer and compose so that the girl would be sitting on one third and the bag on the other third. However, this did not leave me with as much of the 'steps' pattern as I wanted, so the composition you see here is a trade-off between working with thirds and including more of the steps. I did this because my main motivation for this photograph was having the girl isolated/enclosed by the pattern itself and the bag was merely a bonus.


    Thanks all for commenting, I really appreciate the feedback I am getting here.

  2. In my honest opinion, I think more could have been acheived here if the person were either in the sun, or if the bag were made even brighter - everything just seems to get lost in the contrasty shadows at the moment. Nice idea though.



    SP: Your appraisal is spot-on. I swing from actually liking the blown out look of the shot (for similar reasons mentioned by David) to being disgusted with myself for making such an obvious mistake. It's definately one of those things to learn from. Thanks for the feedback.


    David: Thanks for seeing the substance behind this, for it is this which is ultimately most important :-)


    Beautiful light and colour. I am especially enamoured with the contrast between the warm light in the doorway and cold room... I am really enjoying the progression of this added dimension to your work.

    Park Bench

    I think either more or less colour. On one hand it's a solid composition as a photo on it's own. Then again, to be in keeping with the 'pop-art' feel of the other images in this folder I think you need to push it further by 'painting' more area, which I think you can do without losing the highlighting of the significant elements. My honest opinion is that it's currently stuck awkwardly somewhere in the middle-ground. Cool series/idea, by the way.
  3. I like the idea, but I also think that if you either beefed up the contrast or (even better) darkened the mid and low tones and raised the saturation a little you could eliminate the faded look of the dark areas and enhance the effect I think you were going for.
  4. Two quick points:


    - rotate the image slightly CCW - verticals should always remain vertical


    - you could use curves in Photoshop to partly correct for the yellow/orange colour cast that is an artifact of the electric lights. Adjusting your camera's white balance before taking the photo can also help reduce this.


    Compositionally speaking, this is fine - I guess your design background shines through ;-)

  5. Very moody effect here. You will doubtlessly get bagged by the purists for it being a touch fuzzy, but I am not a purist by any stretch of the imagination and think it enhances the sad, old tones in the stone.
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