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Image Comments posted by andrewpgrant

    City cranes

    Love the composition here... love the smear of black smoke across the top third in contrast to the light sky. Everything here says "dirty and industrial". I like the way you have portrayed this theme.
  1. The comment about the colour of the hikers' attire is one which has surfaced before and, aesthetically, is a most valid one. With respect, however, I have to disagree.


    The purpose of this photo is humans/hikers interacting with the trail/environment/experience. Hikers rarely wear non-garish attire, and the fact that they stand out amongst their environment is an important visual element here.

    The colours of the environment are also important... it tells a lot about the lush, west-coast, temperate rain-forest that is essential to the West Coast Trail experience. In a photo such as this, the way the environment and experience are portrayed is everything.


    Thanks again Peter, I really appreciate your thoughtful comments.



    Thanks for the feedback, Peter... it is not nit-picking at all, rather it is very much appreciated.



    Placement of girl to lower right? Perhaps... and I can see how that would work, but I still like the idea of her being 'penned in/isolated' by the pattern and having her towards the centre better helps that concept along.


    Unfortunately I don't have spot metering on this camera so I'll have to notch the over-exposure up to a learning experience. I whole-heartedly agree with you on the need for some additional work here in Photoshop. Thanks for the suggestions - this is something I will look at when I have time.


    Distortion? Yes, I considered attempting to straighten out the lines to make a more perfect pattern, but then the idea of having something which messes with your eyes a little also appealed to my admittedly strange aesthetic tastes ;-)


    Thanks again, these kinds of critiques are most helpful :-)


    I think losing some of the sky would help this to be a much more effective composition (perhaps even a tiny bit more than what Sebastien suggests). Nice tones in the landscape part.
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