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levy d

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Image Comments posted by levy d


    I wont be back home till Aprill 1st(so i will only half freeze). Thanks for the comment. I try to make the best of the rebel. I play allot with the setting to bring out the full potential of my shots, but i still got a ton to learn!! Thanks again Erin!



    I agree the news paper at the bottom is destracting, and so are the stickers. it was a sudden snapshot i took as i climbed into the back seat of a friends car. backpacking thailand i have no acess to any photoshop programs and actualy do everything from random internet cafes. so i can't even rotate pictures before i put them up (forcing me to leave out some of my favoriates)I like the cropd version you put up much better, i was currious how that might look.


    thanks again for the comments!


    I apreciate an Honest opinion, and i agree completely that not every thing is art. Some of it is expression, and all the interesting things you see allong the way :)


    It is an allright shot. just maby a wider angle to incorperate more mountain to the right (it is a beautifull mountain)and and have the shot start with the dead tree farther to the left of the immage(proably by shooting from a spot farther to the left would achieve both of these). also, perhaps play with a black and white version. immages with this style of mountains ussualy are well complimented by B&W. I love to see shots of the mountains, and dont believe people should get so rude with their opinoins. THEY ARE JUST OPINIONS! some people are just narrow minded, a quality neither liked or usefull. The best Artists in the world are ussualy humble. if a good artist comments on an immage they should consider the idea of constructive criticism, instead of tearing the learning artist down..


    wow, a 1/1... somebody dosent have a sence of humor.. and not even a hint why.. not that this is a masterpiece, i just found it amusing. i figure its at least a little more than 1 for originality. am i right?..



    82'Honda Night Hawk....650? am i close? is it yours?


    this is an awsome shot, you must have had to try quite a few times. but it definately turned out! I love the originality. I also love it because when i ride i allways notice my reflection off the bike. So you ride this around Alaska? That has gotta be great! I am planning to take a Bike trip to Alaska this summer, any sugestions?


    Thanks, Levi



    I am pretty sure it's a compliment, something like "Wow".


    It's a great shot. I even had to do a double take because she just seems SO life like! it's excelent!


    As it turns out. Where this shot was taken, the recent Tsunami tidal wave did some of its worst damage in all of Thailand. Everyone there is in my prayers.


    Hey frogs need love too! this is a great capture, I cant stop chuckling long enough to say much.. too funny, It almost looks like the male frog is faking a smile!
  1. I love this photo, Martin seems to be one of those people who are just natrualy intriguing. I realy do feel like he is talking to me to. I get some of my favoriate memories from meeting interesting "charicters" and i wish i could have met him. this picture realy tells a story. thank you for sharing!
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