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levy d

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Image Comments posted by levy d

    The "SARGE"


    a wheel'y bar on a rail dragster!? what the heck does it run?


    I love the wat you framed this so streched out it adds allot to the effect.


    Kudos, Levi



    I couldent agree more! what a beauty! good capture too, all your background is great! it adds allot to the sweet little lady.


    Kudos, Levi

  1. man thats some kinda Gecko! i bet he does get all the girls. he sure beats the heck outta the boring ones here in Thailand. great shot, Keep them comming!


    you should check out my little gecko pick, you might apreciate it :)


    Regaurds, Levi

  2. I have a friend who's dad built a smaller version of one like this, he uses it to move engines. i agree, they are a site to see! they sure do look fun though! thanks for sharing! I apreciate your style.


    Regaurds, Levi



    This is very beautifull! it all has been done so well. Congrats! your style is so pleasing to view, you just do such a great job of capturing those sweet and soft moments. and you are a master with your lighting! please keep it up!


    Regaurds, Levi



    please forgive me. back to the photo. It would be good to see the little red coupe a little more centered, and other than that, all i can say is that i like it!


    Retgaurds, Levi

    MJ 9


    I Like this one, she is very cute in her look. perhaps include the rest of her hand and legs. but this is a very cute shot.


    Regaurds, Levi

    This is Life


    I agree, this shot is not very good at all.. but i think its got potential. but untill i get acess to photo shop to atleast rotate photos, i am a little stuck! i cant do much in these silly internet cafes. as soon as i find some how to do it, i will crop this one. i agree, this would be better at a lower angle. but i was actualy kinda in the middle of the alley entrance dodging traffic (carts) at the time.


    again, thanks for your comment David. i apreciate you taking the time.



    on the road


    this is a great pic, and i learned extreemely hard to do. i did a couple rolls like this and only got a few that were half decent, mainly due to bumps while i was shooting. the angle seems to work nice here, and the blur is great! is that all from how you shot? or is it photo shop? i may have to get some pointers from you on these kinda pics. cus this is great!


    Regaurds, Levi



    the background works great and helps balance the green through out. great shot and well done. i like this idea, i havent seen it done as much with girls though, wich is a pitty. I tell you, she could come and save me anyday :)


    Regaurds, Levi



  3. This is a beautifull shot of a B-25 Michelle. god i love these planes, did you know they were used for the Dolittle raids, they were an important part of the war.


    I love this picture, and the idea here is great. I wish it had a better outline of her belly, but that proably couldent be helped. also it woyuld be great to see the rest of her wing, i think it would add allot. but no worries, its still a great shot! i allso like howi can see more than just the outline of her, this adds allot too.


    I hope to see more from you soon.


    Regaurds, Levi



    i appreciate the comment. thats a good idea, i hope there will be more chances for me to shoot these boats again, they are very beautifull. and yeah thats the motor and prop, it allways made me a little uneasy because they whip them up outta the watter(still spinning) and can swing them around prety liberaly.
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