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levy d

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Image Comments posted by levy d



    very commical capture. i realy like this picture and the caption you provided deffinately adds to it. and very nice lighting, very subtle like the "Well Fine" attitude they appear to have..lol


    Regaurds, Levi



    i agree completely, it is just done perfect to create that whole future feel. i also apreciate that the old man and the graduate are looking in different directions. it is so true, because they have different views of what the future is. the graduate, is looking forward and with greate anticipation. and he older man is just kinda looking off in the distance with a sort of look of thought to his face. i like it.


    Regaurds, Levi

  1. very subtle in his approach, this is great. by the way, you captured it nicely too. the calm and relaxed background makes the "situation" at hand much more entertaining..lol.


    Regaurds Levi

  2. I like this shot very much! it has so much story here in this simple photo. very interesting, they do poor and old, but stilkl look happy. i love it! now that i think about it, they look so much like a pair of old boots my best friend allways wears to work in. very well done, good job.


    Regaurds, Levi



    i like this one. it is simple, sweet..lol, and has a very nice use of color. your idea here worked great, and you used your DOF very well. only thing is that it feels slightly outta balance with that big red one to the left and the right has all the little tiny white ones. oh well next time youll perfect it :) great folder! keep them comming!


    Regaurds Levi.

  3. It looks great in B&W. setting the mummy to the right seems to work prety good, though i would like to see a shot with him more to the left side i think it might work good too, but mostly it's just curriossity. the bones in the background add allot, its very honnest. It might be good to leave them a little more outta focus though i think it would draw the mummy out allot more. but you did a great job capturing, you can kinda see personality remaining... man mummys freak me out!


    Regaurds, Levi

  4. i think his arm is missing! i bet this has something to do with how he died. is his leg broken too? poor monkey...


    it oddly resembles an accident scene, i think he fell/jumped/or was pushed of a high building.what do you guys think?


    perhaps we should create an ammusing story to go with an amusing shot.


    this is a great simple and funney shot, keep'em comming David!


    Regaurds, Levi

  5. you sure do a great job of capturing that innocent and sweet look that girls have. whats the trick? I would love to get some girls i know to do theirs for a photo! any advice?


    Regaurds, Levi

  6. try this one again sometime but have her angle her face down more and have some strey strands of hair hanging down. and for god sakes get rid of that eye!! its freaking me out!!! LOL! but serriously i love this idea, and i would love to see more some time!


    I know i just keep giving you more junk to do but, why not its amusing to me and hopefully inspireing to you!


    Regaurds, Levi

  7. what an adorable model with a great look on her face. this is a very interesting way to present such a cuttie. personaly i think that half smile, hands on the hips, look in the eye and red tennies realy make the shot. but the wide angle affect is definetly needed to complete it. you know if you turn the moniter up on the left side at about a 45 degree angle the shot is perfect and eliminates the need for the question "Portrait or Landscape"...lol. i find this funny because i know you will try this.


    you should consider going into photoshop and rotating it 45 degrees and then reposting it like that. i have been currious how everyone would handle a picture that was off kilter border and all.. can we even do that? I hope so, and what better shot than this to do it with than this! isnt it a unique idea? I love it, let me know if you make an attempt!


    Regaurds, Levi

    Self Explanatory


    I know it seems that i allways have to disagree, but as long as its all good. I will keep calling them as i see them.


    I love the NESTLE(i bet some of it has to do with age), i am not distracted by it at all. i would like to say that its because i cant take my eyes off hers. but its proably more becuase i am an ammature. when i see NESTLE i think sweets. pluss I am a True Sucker for brown eyes and and big smiles.. and she has got the best of both worlds. that soft and innocent look right onto your eyes.. i dont think there is anyhting sweeter in the world. so the NESTLE kinda hints,(perhaps a kiss like honey, use your immagination)and turns it into one of those pictures where you just gotta bite your lip. so thats my reason for wanting it left there, but i think maby if you could darken it up a touch so it blends in to the wall more (it would be less noticable and become slightly more subliminal, it is an istantly recogniseable TM. so all you need is the barely noticable hint)and most people, (pro photographers asside) would proably never even be distracted by it.


    she has that soft appeal that is just hard to find, i hope you use this model again.


    anyways, thats my silly opinion. hope it is entertaining, if nothing else :)


    Regaurds, Levi

    First Light


    this is such a sweet scene! very simple and yet extreemely beautifull (seems like i said that about another one of your shots..hmm) the lighting perfects it for me. so subtle and relaxed. and that soft gold glow is so incredibly inviting. i just want to wrap my arms around her and hold her close(sorry if that seems a little much, but look at her!) this scene says so much to me. such a good capture, what better moment to freze forever in time than this one! soo sweet! I would love to see more shots with this "lazy saturday feel" please keep it up!


    Regaurds, Levi



    Did you set this up? or does this man just walk around like this? either way it is very well done! it is one of the more interesting/hummorous pics i have seen lately.

    great folder! keep it up!


    Regaurds, Levi



    thanks, that does make allot of sence. I was only expecting a few laughs from posting this but i got a much more informative reaction/responce than i was expecting. thank you every one for your time and comments!


    Happy New Years!



    The best old Honda (of the 80's) was the 83 Night Hawk 550. yeah a lil'550 but BELIEVE me it aint nothing to laugh at. I had one for my first bike and read up on them, it turns out that they had the most power stock of that year, they could easily waste the 650, 750, and 1100 Hondas and competing Yamahas (even 650 YICS Yamaha). no joke, easy weelies in the first three gears!I was allways to scared of it to race it, so i never found out it quarter time. if you ever get the time try one out, of course one with a still good engine.


    regaurds Levi



    I am glad we are cool on the matter, No Worries. and thats funny you referd to me as Levy, because that has been my nickname since High School. hope to see more good shoots come from booth you and Maria! by the way Maria sorry for us arguing infront of your shot! it was uncalled for.



    Happy New Years!




    Ciprian, I just felt that the comment could have been more of a constructive one. If you think its boring than sure tell him, thats fine. but ammatures(like me) are on this site to learn from good photographers (like you). so maby consider that when you tell some one that you dont like it, give them a suggestion or some advice so they can get better.


    I appolagise if i offended you. I may have over reacted. i was just saying it how i saw it at the time.


    Regaurds, Levi.

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